38 - Aching Wounds

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(AN: today is a mixed bag of povs, I hope you have fun)

Wallis' Point of View

I kneel down next to Mia, by Johannes, looking at his unconscious body. The Blasphemer really treated him harshly. Provocationg him, and then knocking him out like a light afterwards, much like he had a specific grudge against him. Ghosts can see through the veil of death, so ghosts can easily judge the living and hold grudges, if you touch someone important to them.

I glance to Rosalin, whom the Blasphemer had insisted would come along. The one the god of fate insists should bring change. 

I don't think Johannes even thought about it, that she could matter to someone.

But... the change she will bring, it seems to be more than just the fate of the world, which we focus on so much. 

Johannes never realized he was scared of Theodore. Or maybe he just never wanted to admit it.

It took me many years to realize why Johannes would always get mad, whenever I mentioned Theodore. Why he lashed out. Even then, I never understood how it became like that.

But Theodore was very different than his brother. Sadder... no, a sadder existence perhaps?

I met Theodore for the first time, no so long after their mother died. Even if his expression seemed empty, a sadness lingered around him on that cloudy day, as he trained restlessly.

I asked him if I could draw his fate for him.

Mostly because I didn't know what else to ask.

I was half expecting him to brush me off, like Johannes does. Especially since he seemed sad... but he stopped his training, and stared at me with a hollow expression, that somehow seemed scary.

"You can, Wallis. But I already know my fate. No cards can change it."

I remember getting a fuzzy confused feeling at those words.

"Do you study fate too?"

I remember asking naïvely, no foolishly. I didn't understand what Theodore meant.


Now where things have turned out like this, I wish I didn't ask any further.

"Then, how do you know?"

"Because it's my role in this life to die for him."


What kind of answer was oh?

I should have asked more. 

Because it came true.

As I got older, I always thought Theodore had just been sad their mother died, and that he had forgotten about what he said that day...

But it came true... Johannes.

And I don't dare tell you... how your brother looked at me like a dead man, as the rain started pouring down after saying those words...

Or how... everytime I try to read the winds of fate, to tell me the fate he saw, they tell me the same thing. The cheriot. The hangman... and the devil, reversed.

Anneliese's Point of View

"How did the experiment go, Anneliese?"

Our gentle teacher asks softly. Though she's covered in a black dress from head to toe, and her face is covered with a veil, you can feel that warmth in her voice, which you can't see in her face.

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