Chapter 8

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It feels like forever since I've been outside. The sun was hitting my face and I winced at the brightness of it. I feel like a vampire coming out of hiding from the shadows.

The sidewalk we were on was not that busy, nor was it empty. The little coffee shop we're heading to is just a five minute walk, so it would have been useless and stupid to drive there and waste gas.

Chopard is just a step behind me, he doesn't make the move to speed up to walk alongside me, which is fine, because I can keep a close eye on him from the corner of my eye.

Further behind Chopard is the bodyguard, my personal one. Anytime I need to step out of the office for something like this, I am to be escorted by him.

Then from the corner of my eyes, I see Chopard moving to my left as he takes the side of where cars are traveling, moving me towards the building side. I don't know why he did that, but now I'm more suspicious than ever.

Now he's walking side to side with me, our suits glazing each other occasionally.

Normally, I would like my space in these times, but there is hardly any space for us to move. If I move, then other people walking would be in my space, and if Chopard moves, then he would be in the street and possibly get hit by other cars.

I rather just stick to this and the occasional touching of our fabric for now.

Almost reaching the coffee shop, seeing it up ahead in eyesight, I hear a throat being cleared close to me.

"So" Chopard started out, putting his hands into his pockets, "Why do you need security to walk around with you? The shop is just a five minute walk"

I have to say, he's good, he's acting like he's genuinely asking me why I need security, but I know the real reason he's asking.

He's asking because if he plans to take me out right here and right now, then the bodyguard would be in the way of his evil plan. He convinces me why I shouldn't need a bodyguard, hence why he stated the shop is a few minutes walk.

I bet he paid someone off to try and kill me.

I can picture a hitman hiding in the shadows of the building, just waiting to strike whenever there is a chance. Or a sniper, just hanging around on the roof of a high building, looking at me or my bodyguard through the eye shot.

I know I'm probably being dramatic but I can't take any chances, there's a history of CEOs or powerful business leaders getting killed off because of their power and other people wanting to take that away.

I made the mistake of going out alone when my company started surpassing other companies and all I can say is that it did not turn out well.

Despite my suspicious about the question, I answered, "Well, it's not like all these people around me don't have bad intentions, in fact, why don't I just take a stroll everyday with a bodyguard and let's see what happens"

I know it was so unnecessary to be sarcastic about the question, but in an underlying tone, I have to let him know that I won't bring my guard now, that would be stupid of–

My train of thoughts stopped midway, as something or someone caught my eye. A person pointing a camera directly towards me and Chopard.

They don't even try to hide that they're taking pictures. That's their job, to take pictures without consent so they earn a decent paycheck.

Paparazzis, the only reason why I dislike my job now, I can't even go outside without some idiot trying to get my attention to make me look into the camera, or just non stop following me until I go inside somewhere.

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