Chapter 22

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The plane ride was enjoyable to say the least. At least for me it was, but then again, that's the only thing that matters right now.

As the sun was shining through the plane's window, all I could think about right now was how at peace I am. Looking out the window as I overlook the many houses that looked so tiny from where I am.

We must have passed at least a thousand by now. That puts it into perspective of how humans live throughout time and the things we must do to survive and make the world go round. Even then, every single one of us, even me, knows that we are just a tiny atom in space.

Floating on a piece of rock that will eventually stop spinning one day.

I constantly think about that, that it might be dark or whatever, but I just knew that life would go on so quickly without realizing it. Many people say that they have time or that they'll never grow old fast, but personally, I think many people say that to lie to themselves.

Instead of living life and fulfilling your purpose, they tend to avoid it, only living life to have fun with no responsibilities, no goal nor ambition. Just living till death takes over.

And I do have to say, who am I to judge? Many people criticize me for the life I chose to live, a workaholic who doesn't like to have fun and just takes life seriously, who will probably work herself to death.

If that's the case then I'll take it–I'll take it over not knowing what's coming next in my life because I already know the answer, I planned for it, I know what I want out of this life.

The one thing I have that many people don't have is security.

Secured that I can retire and won't have to worry about a single thing, secured that I can retire anyone I want, secured that I will be good until my funeral and even then a trusted family member can get a generational wealth from me.

Because I doubt I will have children, at least in this lifetime.

Security is what I desire and even if I already have it, there is no such thing as not needing more security.

My ear suddenly pops as I suddenly am reminded where I am and what I am doing currently.

As I got lost in thought, I have been staring out the window this entire time, the sun is clearly taking something out on me as my whole face is burning up. Well, thank god I have sunglasses on at least, I thought.

I shifted in my seat as I want to avoid the window for the time being.

And speaking of avoiding a certain thing, it's been clear that Chopard is avoiding something or someone.

Ever since we got in the air, everything has been quiet, distant talking in the background with the guards but still silent to where I can hear everything including the pilot in the cockpit.

Chopard has been silent this entire ride as well, not saying anything this entire time, only speaking when the pilot greeted him and with him greeting him back when we first got on, but other than that, nothing. Not even a peek.

The certain times where I would look over to him, he didn't look up, or didn't even look around, all he did was sit in his seat, not moving an inch.

Not once did he look up at me or say anything. Just became a robot ready for commanding.

I should be grateful for this, not only for not engaging in a conversation with him but also catching him looking at me with those eyes that I can't explain in a logical sense.

This is a good thing, I told myself, it's better this way. Detach before you get used to the feeling.

Knowing what I have to do when we arrive in the city, this is better, I need to undo all the things that led up to what had happened back in the hotel room.

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