Niko x AJ [prank gone sideways]

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[A/N: listen. I couldn’t sleep. Then I thought 'is there beta squad fanfiction?' Which is stupid because of course there is. Then i was reading this one beautiful collection of one-shots by  maesiecort   and somewhere it mentions a Snapchat video which was a perfectly normal thing to be searching at 1am. I found it btw its uploaded by beta_.squads on tiktok.]

[In the video niko pranks aj by knocking on his bathroom door, aj gets revenge by being in nikos room playing weird music, at one point niko tries to hold ajs hand and aj dances weirdly. This is my spin on it & also my 1st time writing smut. Cheers.]

[Top Niko; Bottom Aj; slight crossdressing]

I didn't mean for it to get so out of hand but in my defence i should've been asleep.

Knock knock knock


Niko grinned in the camera. He tried not to laugh out loud as he knocked again on Aj's door, ignoring his acknowledgement of the noise.


Aj's answer was louder this time. Niko muffled his laughter and knocked again.


knock knock knock

Niko opened the door to Aj's room and walked inside to continue knocking on the adjoining bathroom door.

"You done, yeah?"

Again, he silenced his snorting and lifted his hand.

Knock knock knock

"You gonna get in here as well?"

A short pause and Niko raised his fist to-

"Bro, what?!"

Knock knock knock


Niko kept aggressively knocking, occasionally being interrupted by a disgruntled "Wallah WHAT?!" from Aj. After a short while, he wanted to level his prank up a bit and instead of using his fist or open hand, started throwing a basketball against the door.

It was quiet from Aj's side of the door, then -

"Yeah, what - wallah what"

Bang bang bang





"Wha- what"

Niko kept it up for a bit before changing the camera angle to selfie mode and retreated into the hallway before Aj's room.

"Aj is probably very mad, that someone knocked on his door, so I'm gonna go in and pretend like it wasn't me."

"A? I think you left your door open!"

"Niko don't do that, y'think you funny, yeah?"

Still talking through the door, Niko grinned into the phone on his side.

"Nah nah, what happened tho, I saw James running down the stairs laughing."

But Aj didn't seem to believe Niko and kept chuckling, not letting himself be tricked, no matter how many times Niko tried asking what happened to distract from himself.

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