Niko x AJ [last to fall asleep pt.2]

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Pt. 2 [spoilers for the outcome of the video - last to fall asleep challenge]

Still no smut

Niko's eyes were closing and opening at a slower and slower rate. He didn't know how long he had been laying in this bed, but this challenge was kicking his butt.

His brain was completely fried, and when the door opened, he was certain he had fallen asleep and was dreaming. In his dream, Aj walked into the room.

And it had to be a dream because Aj was supposed to be downstairs in the gym room, as his half asleep brain supplied. But there he was, against all odds, asking if Niko fell asleep and wait- on the cusp of unconsciousness he remembered he shouldn't be falling asleep, even though he really can't remember why.


"You didn't fall asleep?" Dream Aj wanted to make sure. His boyfriend is always so considering, even this dream version. Normally, when Niko dreams about Aj, his boyfriend will sooner or later strip, and they would do all the fun stuff before Niko would wake up and then proceed to wake Aj up so the dream would become reality. But this time, he hoped dream Aj would just come cuddle him because, wow, Niko is so tired.


"Are you sure?" Dream Aj was really persistent. Was he sure? Aj was often right, maybe he did fall asleep. He was dreaming after all.


"Did you fall asleep?" Or maybe he didn't. If only Niko knew what he had to say to get Aj to join him under the very warm and comfortable blankets.


"I just got a message, saying someone fell asleep!" Dream Aj was talking rather quickly.

"Huh?" Very eloquent. Luckily, Dream Aj didn't seem to notice him. Niko wasn't sure if he should be sad about that.

"There's no way Chunkz fell asleep, I didn't even go check if it was him!"

That was so many words dream Aj just said like it was nothing and Niko's brain didn't need 2-3 business to process. He should really be more awake. Was he awake? Was Aj sleeping and walking into Niko's dream being all confusing and unnecessary cute and sexy?

"Did you fall asleep?" Better to make sure he's not taking to an imagined version of his boyfriend.

"No! I got a message saying get out of bed, someone fell asleep!" Did that mean his boyfriend was actually standing in front of him? Why wouldn't he come into bed then? Nothing made sense at all.

Was Niko the one awake? Wait. If Aj was awake even though he wouldn't cuddle Niko and Niko himself was also awake, meaning he could reach out and touch his boyfriend, then someone else was asleep. But who? They were alone in the room, even though Aj is supposed to be in the gym room, because Niko's in this room and Chunkz is in the other- oh.

"Is Chunkz asleep?"

"We have to go check, come!" The chance of this actually being his real boyfriend were rising. Aj always tried seducing him to go somewhere. Still, playing hard to get might make him look cool and desirable.

"Do I have to check?"

"Yes, you have to come with me!" Oh well, he tried. He would follow his boyfriend everywhere when he asked like that. Already getting out of bed, he almost missed the second half of Aj's sentence.

"If someone's fallen asleep, it's game!" It's what? Oh, the game! Right. Standing and walking down the stairs with the bright lights surrounding them woke him up more.

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