Niko x AJ [last to fall asleep]

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[Last to fall asleep challenge :
The moment when Niko started singing "go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, little Aj" & began cuddling Aj]

[Idk why, these never go as I plan them, Niko always takes my plot and runs.]

No smut

God, Niko's tired.

They've been filming for hours, it's past 4:30am, he's been up since 7am the day before and it doesn't look like anybody is about to give up.

There are cameras everywhere, which means he can't even kiss his boyfriend and he's so, so tired.

His brain circles back to the boyfriend thing. From where he's laying on the bed, he can see Aj rolling around on his mattress. He's fluffing up the pillows and blankets, and it looks like he's trying to find a comfortable spot and failing miserably.

Niko's heart aches in the best way possible, his gaze captured for a few seconds by the adorable sight.

Aj shoots him a look, and Niko is brought back to this morning. Last morning. Last night? Doesn't matter. His brain is slowly turning to mush, and his eyes threaten to shut every two seconds and his baby isn't in his arms.

Where he was in Niko's memory, all cozy and soft, looking up at Niko through his eyelashes and kissing the underside of his jaw in a loving way that's just so Aj that he can't help smiling thinking about it.

But that's not now, because right now Aj is still looking at him in that shy, longing way, and Niko desperately needs to kiss that barley there pout off of his boyfriends lips.

He can't, because there's cameras and public personas and Aj knows that, too, which is why he's turning away again and he's looking so rejected and Niko can't remember why being a secret was a thing in the first place.

The heart clenching is back, but this time, it hurts more than anything else, and Niko wants the soft smiling version of Aj back. Niko looks away, because even the wall is better then the space around his boyfriend, where he knows he fits perfectly.

His eyes meet Amin's, who raises his eyebrows and tilts his head questioningly to the side. Niko knows that any tiny movement will give him away, but damn him he can't help it. For a millisecond, his gaze is back on Aj, like an impulse he can't control and when his eyes find Chunkz again, he's frowning.

Through Niko's irrational brain shoots the sound clip of 'he knows, he knows, and I know he knows' and if he wouldn't be panicking he's sure he would laugh at the irony.

Chunkz is, after all, one of the three only people Niko had told about his and Aj's relationship. Simultaneously, he's the person to show endless love and support and also the one who promised to break Niko's balls, should he harm his little brother in any way.

And Niko doesn't want to hurt Aj, never did, never will. His boyfriend promised he didn't mind being silent about the whole thing and not being more affectionate towards each other on camera. They got away with so much already and Niko didn't want to push it.

It would play into Aj's pet peeve of not touching people as well and noone in their team even looked at them twice, and having this, just for them, was nice.

Sometimes, at least. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation, maybe he just didn't care anymore, but Niko couldn't for the life of him remember, why he asked Aj for some time before coming out to the team. They hadn't even been talking about going public, dammit.

Chunkz's gaze never wavered, but it softend just enough to stop the guilt train that had been racing right through Niko's heart.

'Don't let anyone pressure you into something your not ready for. Take your time, Niko. We're not gonna run out of it', Aj had whispered in the dark when Niko had brought it up, terrified that this would be it, the last straw, the one thing Aj couldn't compromise about.

It hadn't been, because he had the most amazing and loving boyfriend of them all, and wow, would you look at that. The good kind heart clenching was back again and with it, the overwhelming urge to absolutely smother his boyfriend with cuddles.

Now a bit more awake, after the almost anxiety attack he had thought himself into, he swung his legs out of the bed and with a last glance at a way to smug and all-knowing looking Chunkz, he made his way over to Aj's mattress on the floor.

Sliding right back in 'my boyfriend is tiny and cute and it shall be my destiny to serve and protect, but also mess with him' mode, he started to softly sing under his breath. 

"Go to sleep, go to sleep", his voice wavered a bit as he knelt down and started to coddle his boyfriend. "Go to sleep, little Aj!"

Aj squeaked and tried to escape Niko's arms for show, but with every rocking motion of Nikos body, he brought himself closer to the taller man. Niko hid his grin in Aj's shoulder, and mentally patted himself on the back for thinking of this. Despite Aj's very vocal complaints, he pressed his body back into Niko's embrace and the hand pressed into Niko's chest, soon fisted the fabric of his pyjamas, holding him close.

For a few minutes, he allowed himself to bask in the feeling of holding Aj so close. One arm looped around his shoulders, trapped between the mattress and Aj's back, the other laid over Aj's body, his own hand grasping the one of his boyfriend tightly.

Niko rested his cheek against Aj's hair and carefully nuzzled closer. A shy smile passed over Aj's face and he looked up at the taller man wiggling a tiny bit in place, moving back against Niko's side.

Admiring his boyfriend, Niko kept stealing glances at Aj's lips. For the third time tonight, he desperately wished they were alone. Aj was looking at him in such a soft way, Niko almost feared tearing up or starting to bite Aj out of cute aggression.

He was so occupied acting like a love-sick fool that he didn't even notice Chunkz making his way over to them. Only when Aj began to squeal and move his butt right over Niko's crotch was he brought out of his starring.

Chunkz was standing right in front of them and, as Niko noticed with a thankful smile, was blocking both him and Aj from the cameras.

Quickly, he leaned down and placed a short, barely there kiss on Aj's lips. Clearly surprised, Aj looked up at him, then at Chunkz, then back at him, before grinning and looking down shyly.

As Chunkz slowly let himself fall down on his knees, and in one of the last moments being out of view, Aj turned his head and pressed a kiss against the underside of Niko's jaw.

And damn it all, Niko couldn't have stopped the grin overtaking his face if he tried. Right here, right now, surrounded by his best friends, his brothers, and his boyfriend, the unquestioned love of his life he felt invincible.

Screw taking more time and screw worrying about what other people thought - with Aj on his side he was ready to take on all of them.

Peering once again down at his lover, watching him squealing and messing around with Chunkz, he made up his mind and promised himself to talk to Aj first thing after the video.

After he had won of course.

[Pt.2 with the following conversation + coming out to the team / maybe public, anyone?]

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