Doesn't Mean Anything

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(This is not a story that includes noncon, so do not worry!!) 

Alex sat in the right corner of the saloon, drinking a beer listlessly. 

Why was he even here again...? Had he ever even stepped foot in the saloon? Had he ever really been interested in drinking? The answer to both questions is no. But in a sense, he supposed, he needed something to dull his thoughts. So, he landed on the good old-fashioned alcohol trick. Aka-- getting totally drunk and forgetting what you were worried about in the first place. 

Was this a bad idea? Definitely. Did he care? No. All he cared about was if he could get his mind off of what was gnawing at it. 

So far, it hadn't worked. All of his thoughts were swirling in his head, becoming a sort of evil concoction with the main objective of making him miserable. And, oh boy, was that working. 

He groaned and placed his head on the table, hoping the huge bear statue hid him from view. Evidently, it did, because no one was looking his way. 

All these thoughts invading my head is making me dizzy, he thought. Even now thoughts are overlapping these thoughts, and my thoughts are... fuzzy? How much have I had to drink?  I've only had about three or so-- wait, am I a lightweight? Nahhhh... yeah, I guess so. This is why I'm such a loser... this is why Penny left me! I don't even care about her anymore, why am I thinking-

A hand hit the table right in front of his face. He looked up to meet the persons eyes, only to be met with a dark blur of a shadow under a hood. 

"You okay?" They said. 

"Yeah," his voice sounded like a gravel mixer; he cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm uhhh yep, fine." 

"You're Alex, right? Alex Mullner? The Tunnelers?" They said. 

He nodded. "Augh, that's me..." 

The person paused for a moment and looked around, before their gaze fell back to Alex. "Why are you so... so drunk?" 

"That's rough, buddy, me too." He chuckled, "But uh to answer your question-- I guess being drunk in a saloon is typical... no wonder you are." 

"That's not what I--" 

"What's your name?" 

They paused. "Sebastian." 

He remembered that name. Alex looked up at them, trying to discern their face. All he could see was the metallic shine of a piercing on their lip. He could have sworn he knew who this was, but... 

"I don't-- err-- remember you." He slurred. 

They were silent. 

"Sit down, sit." Alex motioned across from him, nearly toppling over his drink. "Oh, yeah, have this... I can't drink anymore." The drink skid across the table ungainly; Sebastian caught it as he sat down. 

"Thanks." He muttered. 

"Nah, thank you, man-- or...?" He looked at Sebastians adams apple. "Oh, yeah, I was right." 

"A woman can have a prominent adams apple too. And what sort of woman has the name Sebastian?" He chuckled. 

"Women have adams apples?"  

Sebastian put a hand to his forehead and sighed. 

Not my fault I never took science and all that biology junk seriously.

"Hey..." Alex began. "How come you uh-- have your hood up?" 

He took a sip of beer and smiled. "So fools like you don't recognize me." 

Stardew Valley - Start - (Sebastian x Alex)Where stories live. Discover now