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Sebastian sat at the table, picking at his food. He had been out late drinking that night, so obviously he was feeling like shit. But it seemed like Robin and Demetrius didn't notice.

"So, Sebby, what have you been doing around the valley?" She said, placing a cup of water next to his plate.

"Nothing much, just uhm focused on being around you guys." He paused. "You haven't told anyone I'm here, right?"

Demetrius shook his head. "I don't have a clue why you don't want anyone to know you're here-- they'd love to see you!"

"Honey, you know that Sebastian thinks some of his relations around here are sort of..." she glanced at Sebastian. "Strained."

Don't try to sugarcoat it mom, you know Sam and Abigail probably hate me. Most other people do, too.

Demetrius's expression softened. "I don't like it, Sebastian. But I guess I'll try and keep it to myself. You're mainly here for us, anyway."

But he wasn't. Originally, that had been the plan-- the main reason he even wanted to go back to Stardew was to connect with his family, or at least try to. But he quickly figured out that was impossible. Maru didn't speak to him. Robin and Demetrius would either tiptoe around him like he was a ticking time bomb or argue.

So, what was he here for now?

Alex. Alex Mullner. That piece of work, that self-righteous dirtbag, and that guy who bought me a drink last night. He was all over me, he was flirting, and he was nice. He was pleasant, even.

But in the back of my mind, I know he didn't remember me. That fact irks me to no end.

But then why am I so interested in him...? I smiled at nearly everything he said-- I laughed even. I was having fun. We were having fun. He kept on looking at me with such a carefree look-- he kept making me happy.

Am I allowed to be happy?

Sebastian placed down his fork. "I think I'm going to go on a walk in a little bit."

"Oh! I was just heading out to do some research. How about we go together?" Demetrius said.

Sebastian nodded almost imperceptibly.

-- -- -- --

Sebastian cut through the shrubbery, careful to not be smacked in the face by another branch. He was following Demetrius, who was already in another world.

"Remember these, Sebastian? You used to come home with these stuck all over you." He pointed to a horsetail fern. "Equisetums are quite invasive, actually. I don't think scientists have found an efficient way to eradicate them yet. If I wasn't working on something else, I'd try and find one."

Sebastian sighed. "What are you even researching up here?"

Demetrius's eyes glowed with joy. "Well, I'm researching the water levels for turbidity, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, and nitrate in our local streams. I'm seeing the impact that pollution has on the levels." Demetrius sighed sadly. "I know the pollution has been especially bad these few years, so I want to study it and find the exact source. Once I do that, I'll see how I can help-- of course, with help from other researchers."

Sebastian glanced at the duffel bag Demetrius was wearing. No wonder he needed it if he was going to test all of those random things. Sebastian wondered if his coworkers were just as excited as he was to research almost every day.

They stumbled upon a stream-- to Demetrius's delight-- and he set down the duffel bag.

"What are you doing?" He asked, watching as Demetrius put on gloves and goggles.

"I'm going to be getting samples; I don't want to contaminate any of them. Better to be safe than sorry." He said.

"No, I mean like– how does your research work?" He said.

Once again, Demetrius lit up in joy. He told Sebastian all of the chemicals he was going to use to test the water levels once they got back to the lab, including what all of their purposes were. He went on to explain much more– which, for Sebastian, went into one ear and out the other. He unexpectedly enjoyed this time with Demetrius.

"One of the main things I'm focused on is preserving and maintaining the wildlife in Stardew." He began. "Of course, as a scientist I have to focus on a lot of other topics as well, but what I'm most passionate about are animals."

He dipped a test tube into the stream, steadily gathering water. "Although, family is always what I'm most passionate about in life, Sebastian." He smiled.

"Oh, really?" Sebastian said, trying not to sound doubtful.

"Really, really." He lifted the test tube out of the water. "It might not seem like it right now, but I care about your mother dearly. We're just having a little bit of a rough patch right now, but nothing we can't fix."

Sebastian looked at the stream, crouched down low enough to see the rocks underneath the rolling water. "What if..." he trailed off.

Demetrius gave him a concerned smile. "We're alright. It's ... it's not going to end like the last relationship your mother had, Sebastian." He patted his back. "We care too much about you two to even think of that happening, and we care too much about each other. I want you to know that I'll always have your back, Sebastian, and that I'll do whatever I can to be the best father to you."

He popped the cap onto the test tube and put it into his bag. He stood up and started towards the trail, motioning for Sebastian to follow him.

"Dad..." Demetrius looked back. "Thanks." He gave Sebastian a jubilant grin. 

(Hey guys... soooo... my house got flooded :(. Updates might be irregular again. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I have some life stuff to work out. In the meanwhile, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.)

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