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(Nova guy cool!! Nah, but for real, I'm obsessed with Nova. Specifically, Sam Alexander. HE'S SO SKRUNKLE-- IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT. I wish Sam had more fans; I wish Nova in the first place had more fans. Sam is super strong, right? But he's not overpowered, he's still a kid through and through, and he cheats sometimes in his fights (like punching someone in his nuts lol). He is weak without his helmet, and-- alright this is getting too long. YOU GET IT, I LIKE NOVA. Maybe I should make a fanfic of Nova; that sounds fun.) 

"Grandma?" Alex said, approaching the table.

"Oh, yes, I'm here, dear!" She smiled and sat up to hug him. He returned her embrace and sat down. "I'm so proud of you, Alex; for all of the hard work you put in, for how talented you are, and how you manage to squeeze me into your schedule that I just know is busy!"

He laughed, "you kidding me? How could I not fit you into my schedule? You're my grandmother, 'course I can fit you in there."

"Alright, if you say so sweetie." She said.

The waiter took their orders and promptly left.

Evelyn spun the wedding ring on her finger. "You just know that your grandfather would have loved to be here right now. He misses you so much– me included. I think nearly everyone from the valley misses you.

"I've seen that people are more mopey these days. More and more people are leaving the valley. First it was Sebastian, then you left– even Abigail is considering moving soon. I bet that by the time Jas and Vincent grow up they'll be rushing to move too; everyone's got their eyes on going away from the valley. Only us old folks want to stay." She said.

"Don't say that ma. It's just– all the opportunities available are in the city, there ain't no jobs in Stardew that will really help you out in the long run. I'm sorry to say but the choices are being a farmer, small store owner, or like Linus." He paused. "I'd love to be in the valley again, I really would. I miss granddad, and he can rarely come here to visit. That's why... I was thinking of going back to the valley for a few weeks."

Evelyn's eyes grew wide, and she grinned. She grabbed his hands and held them tightly. "Oh, really? Really? Isn't that so! George will be so pleased– when are you thinking of coming?"

He couldn't contain his laughter, "A day! A day, ma!"

"My– isn't that just peachy! They allow you to go just after a game?" She said.

"After the playoffs they do. After a couple of weeks, we have to go back to training, but a couple weeks is enough for me."

Evelyn smiled brightly at him and told him once again how proud she was of him.

Alex felt excited for the rest of the dinner.

-- -- -- --

"So, you're leavin'? For good?" She asked.

"Not for good, no, Yoba no. Just for a few weeks." Sebastian said.

"Oh, good, wouldn't know how to feel without you here to screw up our save."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." He paused. "Y'know, I'll talk to you later. Got to pack and everything."

Esther groaned, "alright, let me know when you get back. Or better yet– text me when you get there."

"Will do, bye." He hung up.

He put his hands on his hips and stared at his suitcase. He had shoved everything in there– not even bothering to fold his clothes. He sighed, "welp, guess I've got to do this whether I want to or not." He grabbed the zipper and leaned on the suitcase and began to ungainly zip it up.

Go... in... there...!

The suitcase resisted and snagged on a piece of fabric. He gave up. He sat on the floor and hung his head, dialing his mother's number.

She picked up, "Sebby? What is it?"

"Ah, well, I just wanted to talk for a bit." He said.

"What's wrong?" She asked. She always assumes the worst, Sebastian thought.

"No, no, nothing's wrong."

"I can tell when my baby boy is feeling down, don't underestimate me." She said quickly.

"Well, y'know... is it really okay for me to take over my old bedroom when I go over? I know Maru and stepdad use it." He said.

Robin clicked her tongue. "Of course, you can use it, you silly little thing! They can stop their experiments and stuff for another day while you're here." She muttered, "although I know Demetrius might kick up a fuss..."

"Alright, I just don't really wanna bother anyone."

"You would never bother us, sweetie." Sebastian smiled, he guessed that his mother did as well.

"I'll be there by tomorrow."

– – – –

Robin was seated on her bed, reading silently as Demetrius climbed in bed with her. She looked up at him and he smiled warily.

Their relationship had been rocky recently. She loved him, and he loved her, but their relationship had always been a roller-coaster. With Sebastian coming back the atmosphere was even more tense.

"So, can you postpone your experiments for a little bit in the basement?" She said.

He thought about it for a while. "I've got some bacteria down there; can't I just check on them once in a while? I don't think it would hurt."

She closed her book. "You can't do that upstairs?"

"No, bioluminescent bacteria glows in the dark– so I want to study it where no light can shine in the room." He said. "It is actually quite interesting; the hosts of the bacteria use the light produced from it for attracting mates. I got the farmer to harvest it from the ocea--"

"I get it. Just do whatever you want; Sebastain can sleep with some type of weird bacteria and have his room in complete darkness all day." She said sternly.

"Honey– it's completely harmless. And he's not going to be in the room all day, he's here to visit us. He's probably going to be with his friends if he's not with us; he's only going to be in there to sleep."

She gave him a concerned glance and sighed, "I just– I don't want him to be uncomfortable with bacteria and all that stuff around him. His old room is a lab; I don't know how he's going to feel about it."

"He's a grown man, sweetie, he can handle it. And plus, that room is probably cleaner than his own apartment. I spray it down every day."

Robin nodded and turned off the lamp, placing her book on the nightstand. They both laid down.

"Please be extra nice to Sebastian when he comes." She whispered.

"I'm always extra nice to Sebastian." He said defensively.

She looked at him with a cut the bullshit look. "Demetrius, we all know that Sebastian feels... uncomfortable around you. He never calls you dad. I think– I think he's still caught up with this being my second marriage."

Demetrius gave her a piteous look and turned his head away from her.

"I know." He said simply.

She held his hand, "We all– we all need to talk."

Demetrius nodded slightly and shut his eyes. 

Stardew Valley - Start - (Sebastian x Alex)Where stories live. Discover now