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|SATURDAY MAY 27,2023|

I sat outside Jordan house in my car smoking a fat ass wood. I needed to be as mellowed out as I could before stepping foot in his house not knowing how today was going to go. All the girls was already inside and trinity let me know she left the door unlocked for me.

Once I finished I ash'd it and made my way in the house, I could hear everyone in the living room and I made my way there when I got there everybody spoke except Jordan. I noticed Harlem there which was good she could say exactly what Jordan said again.

" what you doing here." I say right across from him. " I'm here because you a weird ass bitch"

" Raya!" Trinity scolded me making me roll my eyes. I stand on what I said. My face was Vaseline's and my hair was braided down and I wore my scarf. I had on my sweats and crocs if he wanted to get to fighting in this bitch we definitely would.

" anyways."

" how I'm a weird ass bitch ? That's really you." I nodded scooting half way off the couch. " so did you or did you not tell Harlem that I didn't accept you when you told me you was an intersex male?" I glared at him waiting for him to lie.

He rolled his eyes " please Seraya. We know the truth."

" bitch speak it than! Why the fuck would you lie and tell Harlem I would've judged her ! Why the fuck would you lie and say I didn't accept you ?! Bitch I almost died for you what the actual fuck ! You been acting weird towards me ever since you and Mason broke up! Then you got the never to say ima hoe, bitch ! I only have 3 fucking body's and two of them are females.! Not that it's any of your mother fucking business bitch but ima a grown ass woman and can do whatever the fuck I want to do." I yelled out standing up I was back pissed off.

" oh please Seraya you acting like some fucking hurt puppy. You knew what type of man Mason was and you still let me date him." My eyes went wide

" BITCH I TOLD YOU HE WAS A HOE AND I DIDN'T EVEN INTRODUCE YALL RIYAH DID !! ON TOP OF THAT I DONT EVEN FUCK WITH HIM LIKE THAT ! HES ONLY OUR WEED MAN THATS IT!!" I stood in his face yelled Trinity pulled me back to give us some space. I was heated.


" you really think I'd let you get with somebody that is abusive? Knowing what you went through in middle school? You know me better than that Messiah. I promise you I didn't know shit about Mason. He's my cousin on my daddy side you know I don't fuck with them like that and If Mason wasn't our weed man I wouldn't even speak to him" I spoke in a lower voice.

He Glared at me " I don't believe you." Now my anger was back spiking up " Messiah I honestly don't even care no more. You don't wanna be cool fine that's Ten Years of friendship down the drain but don't be lying on my name because you're but hurt over something I had nothing to do with."

He mugged me " fuck you bitch ! You think you're all that but you're just as fucked up as I am. You knew that bitch ass nigga was an abusive rapist! Hes just like yo bitch ass Uncle who raped you !" I felt my blood run cold at his words .

" JORDAN!" Everyone yelled but it was too late he kept going and I reacted without warning. I pushed Trinity out the way and swung on Hitting him in the face, I didn't stop there I kept swinging on him not caring anymore. " stupid bitch!" I kept hitting him as everyone screamed for us to stop we stumbled over and he was on top of me banging my head in the ground but I didn't care I could barely feel it. I lifted my head and head butted him kicking him off me I got ontop of him and began punching him all in his face seeing blood.

I was snatched off of him and pinned to a wall " calm the fuck down !" Harlem was all in my face while Trinity was beside me trying to calm me down but my eyes was stuck on Jordan. " Ima Fucking Kill You Bitch ass Nigga!!" I yelled out " she's gonna black! We needa get her out -" everything went dark.


I groaned rolling over I looked around and seen I was in my room my body hurt so bad I got up walking to the bathroom turning the light on i froze looking in the mirror. I had a black eye and a scratch on my forehead. I looked down at my hands seeing them bruised I couldn't remember too much but I knew I got into a fight.

My room door opened and I peeked my head out my bathroom seeing trinity with a scratch on her face my eyes went wide " fuck Trin did I do that" I sped walked towards her grabbing her face once I was in reach.

" no it was Jordan. He tried to attack you and ended up attacking me and you snapped seeing that and things went left from there. If it wasn't for Harlem I swear we'd all be in jail. Jordan tried to fight all of us on some crazy shit."

My mouth was dropped open " wow, where's the girls.?"

" they in the living room. They knew you'd need some space after today. How much do you remember?" I bit my lip thinking back to earlier in the day. " not much after I got to Jordan's everything is coming up blink I knew we argued but I don't remember what was said."

She sighed sitting on the bed. Her eyes got watery worrying me " what's wrong."

" Raya... he .. he brought up you getting raped by your uncle.. masons dad?" I felt myself freeze up. I haven't told the girls or anybody for that matter only person who knew was Jordan.


" I don't know what he was trying to achieve but he tried to say since that happened to you, you should've knew Mason was like that and didn't warn him. Riyah feels bad because she know she introduced them to eachother."

" Trin I swear on my granny grave I didn't know Mason was like that. I barely even talked to him growing up and I only talk to him now because he's our weed man. Tell Riyah don't feel bad shit happens."

" we believe you. We know what kind of person you are. I don't think we'll be talking to Jordan for a nice while. He crossed the line and that was wrong of him." I nodded.

" okay I.. I need some space"

" I know baby. There's an ice pack for your knuckles and some pain pills for your pain. Get you some rest. We'll be in the living room." I nodded hugging her and climbing back in my bed going under the covers.

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