Chapter 7

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"What is it now? What does that fucking bastard wants?"

"He wants you to prove yourself. Your loyalty." Chan says

"Abobhom took the a weapon deal away from us. He wants you get that deal back."

"Abobhom? When did he come back?

"Few months ago. He is back in business that too with his son as his heir and his son is sharp as well as bastard like any other. I want you to know Pete, that since you were away for such a long time many have been trying to get in your grandfather's good books and I am sure he won't even mind giving any of them the chance. The only thing that has been holding them back is the terror of you from that incident years ago. And every incident that you have had after that is not hidden from anyone. Even that day how you appeared in club threatening some boy from your college. The moment they realise you have turned weak , they will snatch away every opportunity. The only thing that can let sir's confidence intact in you is this deal. Pete you have to let know everyone that you in no condition will leave what's yours."

"I don't even want all that."

"I know but you do want the power. With that who knows one day you can even bring Vegas back..."

Pete interrupts in between

"Please uncle , i don't want to talk about things that are never going to happen."

"It can , if you are willing to.."

"I am not willing to. Now tell me what i have to do to get the deal."

"Well he will be in Tokyo for coming three days. You have to go there and do whatever you can to get the deal."

Pete sighs

"What about Vegas? I can't leave him here alone and I can't take him with me."

"You can take him along but make sure he is far from your business. We don't need witness."

" I am more worried about him than him becoming a witness to my low life. So when should we leave?"

"You have a late night flight. 10 pm"
"Ok. Will you be there?"
"I am afraid not. Whatever happens you have to handle it alone. There will be just one man from your side. And you will have carry a one in case you need to shoot."

"That's not a choice Pete. You will have to . You feel the danger , you defend yourself. Because if anything happens to you, your Vegas will never have a life you want for him."

"Hmm" Pete cuts the call and goes back to house. It's early morning and Vegas is still asleep.

Pete sits on the floor beside the couch looking at the boy who changed the course of his life completely, yet he only feels to do something more for him. Pete always had a fixed plan to his life. He knew he was never returning to that dark world ever again. Even if it costs him giving up every kind of luxury. He just wanted to live a quiet life of isolation. He had flings to satisfy his body needs but he never felt anything for anyone he met. Neither he felt any love from any one of them. But then came Vegas and it felt like someone has tied his heart. He treated Vegas like he treated no one before. He wanted to hide him from the world. Vegas was the only one who could pin him down literally and metamorphically. He was the first to break Pete's walls that he had built. The one who could reach to his emotions. He knew that Pete has hidden thousands of secrets from him yet he never tried to get them. He always said he cares for what Pete is in present. It was only Vegas who could stop him from creating blunders in anger. And Pete always gave up happily. He sometimes would create a nuisance so Vegas could scold him.

He gently moves his fingers in Vegas's hairs and goes closer to feel his breaths. He remembers that there is always a minty smell and taste in Vegas's breathing. And he could still feel it. Back then these breath were on his lips , his ears, his neck , his chest, every inch of his body and the impact was probably till his soul. Otherwise he would never go to this extent for him. Yes it was always more than a casual relationship with Vegas but was it even more than that...? Pete is even scared to think about it. He is realising that the things between him and Vegas were so fast that none of them ever got the time to sit and feel their feelings. To try to understand the depth of their relationship and where they want to take it. They just lived life as it came to them. They got together and seperated. He never used a right way to get back to Vegas and Vegas never made an effort to know why Pete suddenly broke up with him. But here they are, again together without questioning each other why. Vegas as usual doesn't pry Pete and Pete dares not to ask Vegas that after knowing that he will be hurt eventually why he keeps being good to him. They both know that their end is seperation yet they are insane enough to play a new game of feelings. He is scared both to loose Vegas and to keep him.

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