The Jerk

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Hey everyone this is a late description sorry about that. I have a new cover that I am super excited about! The creator of that cover is and I have decided to dedicate this chapter to her! Ok I'll let you get to reading! Love yall,


The sun was setting in the horizon when we stopped to make camp. Everyone had argued and said we should take a car to get to the next city, but they conceded when I explained to them I have no birth records and that means no drivers license or any sort of identification. I don't legally exist not to mention they don't have a driver's license either and I don't feel that stealing a car with the government security today would work out well for us.

So now we are in the middle of the forest unpacking supplies for the night. The girl, Terri, had explained to me the situation they were in. As it turns out there is a large group of Multiples growing in the south near Texas that have been capturing and killing off Gifted. You can imagine how surprised I was at this news. Honestly, it sucks because a bunch of crazy Multiples running around makes my situation as a Multiple a whole lot harder.

Anyways, she told me about how they were out to find a small army of Gifted forming in some unknown location. They want to join them but there are two small problems.

1.) They are almost impossible to find.

2.) An even bigger group of Gifted supports the Multiples and is bent on killing every last member of the rebellion and that means we are constantly under attack.

So basically it's hopeless. Regardless I still agreed to join them because it is a lot more interesting than aimlessly roaming the woods.

The whole time we traveled I walked with the nerdy boy, Luke, and he answered many of my other questions. He explained to me the liquid the injected me with stopped the production of blah blah and prohibits blah blah that allows us to use our powers. Alarmingly he told me it would wear off by tomorrow morning but I pushed that surprise and curiosity aside for later investigation as he told me about the need for the swords and other ancient weapons.

The metal it is created with is the only way to effectively kill a Multiple without the Multiple's power being released to the world and causing natural disasters such as tsunamis or wildfires. (This happens to regular Gifted as well just not on as large of a scale) If they are killed the weapon the metal will absorb the ability and thereby making the weapon more powerful. I laughed when he sheepishly told me I took just about all of their weapons.

Other than all of the questions I had I learned he is actually quite interesting. He joined this group a few months ago after another girl from their group, Rachel, had died. They were hesitant to let him tag along but he proved to be valuable in his ability to hack computer systems and disable alarms and other things in that field. He is actually able to make me laugh loudly and he is able to hold a conversation without insulting me so that's a plus!

The only thing that I don't understand is how all of this relates to my parents.

Everyone else is setting up blankets on the ground around the campfire. I realize that Storm still has my bags because I had insisted on him carrying everything to pay me back for his betrayal. I scan around for him and find him laying down weapons a bit farther from the others. I walk over to him and he stands up when he sees me.

"Hey. What do you need Sapphire?" He emphasizes my fake name and I scowl at him.

"Give me my stuff back." I command and he looks over to my unattended bag and scoops it up before I can grab it.

"I guess with all of that time in the woods you forgot what manners are." He teases and I glare at him. What gives him the right to complain about me? He doesn't deserve me being polite!

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