A Familiar Face

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Onyx wasn't the only ninja screaming as they flew out over empty space, hundreds of feet above the ground. Onyx was flipping through the air before a hand catching her by the ankle stopped her descent with a sudden jerk. She looked up to see Kai holding onto Jay, who was being held up by Zane, who in turn was clinging to Cole, who had managed to grab hold of an emergency fire hose. "Ready to crash the party, guys?" He shouted as they swung towards a window. However, rather than crashing through the glass as he'd expected, they slammed into it, which held firm.

The shock of the impact had broken Cole's grip on the hose, and they all fell again. Except this time, they had the good fortune to land on a window cleaner's aerial work platform. Onyx gave a squeaky exhale, winded from the crash and the fall. Someone offered her a hand, and she took it. Just as she got to her feet, a bottle of window cleaner went flying by her face, eliciting a cry of pain from Jay. Onyx whipped around to see a cleaning droid waving its arms menacingly. She and Cole simultaneously kicked it off of the platform. Onyx smirked when it hit the ground below with a clang. Kai grabbed onto one of the pulleys that suspended the platform. "Well, if we want to get back down, we'd better start pulling," he said.


"-and that's when Borg said he was listening." Kai finished recounting what Borg had told him, and it was nothing short of alarming. If Borg was correct and the Overlord was truly back, then Ninjago was in for a world of trouble. "Do you really think it's the Overlord?" Jay asked softly, as if even saying the name would bring his wrath down upon them. Cole frowned. "But how? We all saw Lloyd defeat him," he said. Zane nodded. "Defeat, yes. But can he truly be destroyed?" He said. Onyx exhaled through her teeth. "His presence would explain the feeling I had. I couldn't stand being on the Island of Darkness, and that's what it reminded me of," she said grimly.

"Uh... going back to that destroy thing, I don't know about the Overlord, but we can!" Jay suddenly cried, pointing at a hovercopter that had just zoomed up to their platform. Onyx's hand immediately flew to the technoblade slung across her back. It might not be obviously useful, but it was better than nothing. "Cole, throw me," Zane said suddenly. Cole blinked. "Excuse me?" He questioned. Zane nodded. "Throw me!" He ordered again. Cole shook his head and obliged, flinging Zane at the hovercopter.

The white ninja landed on the vehicle and, in one smooth movement, drew his technoblade and plunged it down into the empty cockpit, a white blade forming around the tip as he did. Within moments, the blinking red lights had turned white and the copter had leveled out, allowing Zane to slip inside without difficulty. Onyx's eyebrows raised. Perhaps the blades were more useful than she'd originally thought.

"What just happened?" Kai asked. Jay gave an excited hop. "The Techno Blade must've hacked the tower-copter's system! Zane controls it!" He exclaimed. The ninja gave several impressed exclamations. Zane pulled the copter up beside the platform and waved at the others. "Grab on!" He shouted, voice muffled through the glass. Onyx followed Cole onto the top of the vehicle, grabbing on as tightly as she could. "We've gotta get our students!" Kai shouted. "Yeah, but where are they?" Jay asked. "They're probably in the room with the assembly lines. It's on the 53rd floor," Onyx said.

Kai frowned. "How do you know that?" He asked. Onyx rolled her eyes. "Because I read the itinerary on the bus ride here," she said. Zane nodded. "53rd floor. Roger that," he said, maneuvering the copter so that it hooked onto the work platform, detaching it and bringing it with them as they curved down into a dive. Onyx grinned when she realized what it was for. Zane never failed to think ahead.

After a few minutes, they spotted a broken glass window, at which their students were huddled. "There!" Jay cried, pointing. Zane deftly piloted the copter down towards them, moving so that the platform was in front of them. "Come on, kids. Jump on board! We'll get you back to the bus," Cole shouted, urgently waving an arm. The children didn't hesitate to crowd onto the platform, packing in like a container of caviar.

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