Not The Same Part Two

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Ch. 4

'Not the same Part two'

[Walkers, VA, Late morning]

The snow was whipping across Virginia, dark storm clouds raged overhead as Genevieve, and Summer rode through the storm into the small town of Walkers; there had been reports of armed men moving around by the patrol.

While they were allowed to observe they weren't equipped for combat, this is where Genevieve and Summer came in handy.

The duo was tasked with scouting the town and clearing it, then reporting back, and grabbing some supplies if they were able.

"This storm won't do us any good!" Summer shouted over the storm, squinting her eyes, and putting her hand up to shield herself some.

"We're approaching the town, be careful," Genevieve said as she quickly hopped off of her horse and tied it to a post.

Summer did the same and followed behind the teenager, staying low to the ground.

Gas masks hung from their belts due to rumors of thick dust in the buildings.

The blizzard-like conditions made it very hard for the girls to see more than a few feet in front of them, making the trek dangerous.

As they crept along the walls of the buildings in hopes of being stealthy to the potential enemy, Summer took a moment to be amazed at the young woman she had helped raise, she was powerful, and cunning.

The duo eventually made their way into the center of town and saw that lights were on in the main building.

Genevieve nodded and Summer returned it, before the two snuck forward until they were just outside the building's threshold.

Looking inside the girls could see men around a table, playing what Summer assumed was a game of poker.

"We haven't seen shit out here! It's fucking freezing! We have no Communication with Deacon! And we just lost four more guys to this bullshit expedition!" A man roared at the other two sitting at the table.

"Keep it down! You want him to hear you?!" Another man whispered fiercely, hoping the man would calm down.

The man did not calm down, becoming even more angry and animated as he did so.

Summer's stomach lurched when she saw the man's right arm bared the symbol of the Saviours, looking over at her teammate, Summer could tell Genevieve had also made this connection since her eyes gave away the intense hatred she harbored.

Five years ago, at Amanda's death site, just after the group had moved out of view Saviours had moved in and checked out the burning town of Static, where one of the soldiers kicked down the cross that the group had made for Amanda's grave.

Anger burned in Genevieve's eyes at the memory of their desecration of her mentor's grave.

Summer looked between the group of men and then back to Genevieve who had pulled a homemade grenade from her backpack and was winding up to throw.

"Wait! Do--!" Summer whispered before the grenade was tossed in the room.

A loud pop could be heard as the room was completely engulfed in the thick yellowish smoke, the men inside coughed and groaned and some even screamed as their eyes were burning and their lungs felt like they were on fire.

Slipping her gas mask on, Genevieve rushed in with her knife in hand, becoming partially obscured in the haze.

Summer cursed herself internally for not catching this action sooner, putting on her own mask, she entered in after her ward.

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