Brutality Part One

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Ch. 7

'Brutality Part one'

[Late March, daytime]

The breeze blew across the land, winter's bitter chill barely clung to the air as the warmth of spring's season began to push into Virginia's beautiful topography, the snow was beginning to dissolve making way for grass to grow and flowers to bloom, birds could be heard singing in the trees.

Nature had reclaimed the earth, animals thrived within the new environments of dilapidated buildings covered in thick foliage, they were often far too quick and aware for any walker to catch them.

What remained of people were left to a world of violence and misery, one such person was experiencing misery at that very moment.

The mud squished under her boots as she neared rows of wooden crosses, all reading different names, a broken-hearted Genevieve, made her way toward a particular name, Aiyana Silver

Kneeling at the cross, Genevieve set down the picture that Aiyana had taken of them a month ago, it had only been a month, it felt so much longer than that to her.

A hand soon rested on the teenager's shoulder, Genevieve allowed herself to melt into the loving touch.

"We haven't talked in a while, how're you feeling?" A familiar female voice said with a southern accent.

With tears in her eyes and some of them streaming down her face, Genevieve looked up to meet Amanda's.

The pain in Genevieve could be spoken without any words. "I- I miss her," Genevieve choked out, looking from one of her most beloved mentors to the small wooden cross again.

Amanda stepped in just a little closer to Genevieve and kneeled beside her, there were no rips or tears on Amanda's clothing, or even a speck of dirt or other debris on the Tennessee girl. "Honestly, Genevieve I can't even begin to know how horrible this feeling of yours is, I'm so sorry it happened," Amanda said, as the wind picked up slightly blowing Genevieve's hair, but leaving Amanda's form untouched by the world around them.

"I never got to say goodbye!" Genevieve cried out in a voice of pure devastation, as she fell to her hands and knees.

Amanda bowed her head slightly, hearing the pain in Genevieve made her close her eyes for a moment. "Someday, I promise, you will see her again, but until you do, ya gotta keep moving forward," Amanda said before she finally reopened her eyes to see the teenager she had helped raise looking back at her. "Stay tough, kid," Amanda added after locking eyes with Genevieve for a moment.

"I am not letting this go," Genevieve said softly, looking back at the picture.

Locking eyes with her past-self, shaking her head and with a lurch in her stomach. "No, I am not letting this go!" Genevieve growled as she looked back to see Amanda had disappeared.

The birds could be heard again, the wind blowing softly and footsteps behind her as well.

"Letting go of what, kiddo?" Summer said hesitantly, stepping around for Genevieve to see her.

Registering the new voice to its owner took Genevieve a short moment, giving her a pause in her thought process. "I am not letting go of what they did to her, they crossed the line, there is no going back," Genevieve said calmly at first before the thought resettled in her, making it come out like more of a growl at the end.

Summer's brow furrowed as she connected the dots. "What do ya got in mind, kiddo?" Summer asked, hiding her concern as best she could.

Genevieve looked at the mud she currently had her knees in, tears streamed down her face quietly as she began. "They do not save people, they force their 'protection' on others and if they refuse, they slaughter them!” the young survivalist roared, clenching her fingers into fists, mud running through her fingers as her knuckles turned white.

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