The World's Debts Part Two

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Ch. 6

'The world's debts Part two'

[The next day, Settlement]

It was freezing, well below freezing, no wind blew today and the sky was a crystal blue, Genevieve was once again trudging through the snow, towards a small shack where the settlement kept the troublemakers, A.J. had gotten drunk and nearly killed a woman for joking about him.

Genevieve peered through a crack in the door, seeing a pissed and hung-over A.J., picking himself off the snow-covered ground inside the shack.

"Let me out," A.J. demanded, standing next to the door impatiently, it was clear that his anger was still simmering.

The teenage girl pulled up on the handle, finding it was frozen shut, sighing in frustration, Genevieve planted her feet and jerked on the handle, pulling it free.

As the ice cracked and broke off, it sent mini shards all over, and the door swung open promptly after, A.J. made his exit, lumbering in an angry erratic fashion.

"Morning," Genevieve muttered, closing the door behind the man, and following after him, stuffing her hands in her hoodie pocket.

A.J. grunted in a gruff response, as he moved past her, the gall she had to say anything to him after having such a good and happy night, the night before.

Genevieve eventually made parallel with the man, not fearing his wrath in the slightest, she had been around him in this state many times before and knew he had never been violent towards her.

Nonetheless, she would try to give him space, wherever possible, the two walked in silence, nothing but the sound of snow crunching under their feet and the occasional growl from A.J. given he seemed to be getting angrier.

A.J. kept reliving the previous night at the bar in his head, going over every infuriating detail, when Summer's house came into view, he froze, stalk-still.

Genevieve walked a few feet ahead before stopping, looking back at A.J., wondering if something was wrong, her brow furrowed.

"Are you ok?" Genevieve asked, watching A.J.'s face, which before now had purveyed anger, but now nothing.

After a long moment, A.J. looked at Genevieve, blinking as if something had possessed him for a moment.

A.J. took a sudden step towards Genevieve, when she didn't move, the man got an unnerving smile and an odd breathy chuckle.

Genevieve wore a furrowed brow, thoroughly confused by what was happening, averting her eyes for a moment, the teenager cleared her throat before raising her head again to face A.J..

"Are you o-," Genevieve was interrupted by A.J.'s fist sending her flying to the snow-covered ground.

The hard, frozen snow cracked and crunched under Genevieve as she struggled back up to her feet, with little success as she was dizzy from the blow to her head, suddenly her head had been sent spinning.

A.J. stomped over to the girl, laying on her back, and picked her up by her coat's collar, the man punched Genevieve in the side of her head, causing her to go limp momentarily before A.J. dropped her in the snow face down.

Lifting her head, Genevieve saw A.J. coming around to finish her off in some manner.

Rolling her over, A.J. doubled over when Genevieve kicked him in the groin, soon after, he felt his nose crunch from a palm strike that Genevieve had thrown, following her kick.

Reeling from the attack, Genevieve scrambled to her feet, shakily, trying to take a defensive stance.

Blood trickled down her right temple, breathing heavily as adrenaline rushed through her veins. "Stay away from me," Genevieve said, feigning authority in the situation.

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