2| Travis

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"Travie, wake up baby!" Marco nudged me out of my sleep and it startled me. I groaned, irritated that he had woke me.

"What?" I murmured, looking up at him as he put his t-shirt back on and threw me the rest of my clothes.

"I gotta take you home. Your pops just called and he sounded pissed." I immediately got from under the covers and proceeded to get dressed. "Wait, why did he call you?" I asked as I zipped my jeans up and pulling my shirt over my head.

"He said that he called you a million times and you didn't answer, so calling me was the last resort."

I sighed deeply and palmed my face once I looked down to my phone and realized that I had received several calls from my dad.

"Fuckk! My life is over." I mumbled, fearing what the chaos would be all about when I get home.

"Babe, just c'mon. No need to stress yourself out now." Marco advised, signaling for me to take his hand so he could give me a ride home.

"Easy for you to say...he's not your father." I added and he gave me a faint smile.


I took his hand and we were out of his apartment heading to the car with the quickness. As Marco drove, I penciled down a list of lies in my mind to use in order to save my butt.

After a while, I knew that I was only kidding myself. My dad wasn't going to buy into anything I tell him as the truth. However, how exactly was I supposed to know that him and Bahja were going to come back home from touring?

"Get out of your head. We're here." I turned to Marco to see that charming grin on his face.

"Thank you. Hopefully, I'm still alive to call you later." I half joked and he nodded fully understanding the situation at hand. I opened the car door to leave, but he got a hold of my arm first.

"Where my kiss?"

I smiled and leaned to peck his lips. Marco narrowed his eyes at me and smacked his teeth in response. "I hate when you do me like that," he whined with a frown on his face.

"I've kissed you on every part of your body tonight...you have no reason to complain sir. Just spoiled." I teased while shaking my head.

"Ah, fair enough. Night babe."

"Night buns."

"Yoo, call me that shit one more time fam and we fighting." He hated it when called him that, but I always got a laugh out of it.

"My bad...buns." I quickly got out and closed the door before he could get to me. Walking up to the front of the house, I noticed that Sky's car was here as well.

"Well, would you look at who decided to show up!" My father wasted no time to go off when he saw me.

"Pops, I--"

"I don't want to hear shit you have to say, Travis!" he exclaimed, already boiling with anger.

"Tev, calm down." Bahja spoke softly to him with a pleading expression, trying to digress the situation. My dad took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Travis, you had one job son. Turn on the damn alarm when you leave the house. Obviously, your ass never came home so you couldn't even do that. Had the neighbors not call the police for a disturbance, all our shit would probably be gone now."

"I'm sorry pops."

That was all I could say because this was my fault. "Yeah, me too. I'm sorry for trusting your ass with that responsibility. Now, get the fuck out of my face before I kick your ass," he said in a nonchalant tone.

I sighed and walked upstairs to my room to see Skylar sitting on my bed in her pajamas. "Hey. What you doing here?"

"Well, before pops called me telling me that the house had been broken into again...sleep. Where were you tonight?" Sky asked that question with a knowing face.

"You already know."

She simply shook her head before speaking. "The dick was must be something magical if you shutting out everything else in your life, T."

I mentally rolled my eyes and sat on my bean bag. "I'm not shutting anything out."

"BS. Everytime I come home for a weekend, you're nowhere to be found. Bam tells me you've been skipping school and basketball practice on multiple occasions. Then, just tonight you missed your bestfriend's dinner party. Sounds like shutting out to me." I sighed deeply.

"Lowkey, I forgot about that damn dinner party."

I knew that Brooklyn was going to let me have it for forgetting about her dinner because this wasn't the first time I've flaked out on her because of hanging with Marco.

"Figures. I hear that's what magical dick does. Memory loss, exhaustion, and some other shit."

"Stop with the magical dick stuff, please." I groaned.

"I'll stop when I feel like it and because I had to get out of my damn bed at my apartment to come here, I'm going to continue to say magical dick," she said with a irritated face.


"Get your shit together, Trav. These fools stole over a hundred grand worth of jewelry and if the neighbor's dog didn't peep what was going down...it could've been worst. Shit could've been avoided had you turn on the damn alarm bro."

Although, she's right I didn't feel like hearing her lecture me about this. "Yeah, I get it. I screwed up."

"In more ways than one."

"Don't I know...Hey, don't you think it's weird that the house has been burglarized for the 3rd time in the past year or is it just me."

Sky thought about it and then shrugged," I do question it, but I really just want to know why they keep coming back here though. It's only so many times you can be rob this house before getting caught up."

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Will Travis get back on track or nah?

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