3| Brooklyn

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"So, you never did say whether you enjoyed yourself at your dinner party." Izzy mentioned while we were sitting at her kitchen table, chilling before we leave for school.

"I had fun. It was cool, but I assume you had more fun than me though." I teased her knowing that she was flirting with our mutual friend, Anthony.

Izzy rolled her eyes when she realized what I was referring to. "Stop. Ant is just my friend," she said, reassuring me.

"He better be." We both looked up to see a shirtless Isaac come in the kitchen to raid the fridge. After being here this entire weekend, I'm convinced that he never wears shirts.

"Good morning to you too." Izzy said with an apparent attitude.

Seeing these two interact for the past few days has been hilarious because the arguments could on forever and I didn't mind the entertainment.

"Morning," he responded with a small smile before looking over at me. "Happy belated by the way."

"Thank you. And what if he wasn't just your sister's friend? You saying she can't date?" I questioned his statement.

He nodded while peeling his banana.

"Ahh, that's exactly what I'm saying."

I shook my head and looked down at my phone for the time. "Izzy, you ready? I don't want you to miss out on seeing Ant before class."

Izzy cackled and got up from her chair. "You so damn silly. Let's go," she said, grabbing her bag and a apple to go. "Bye ugly."

"Bye cujo." Isaac barked back at his sister and I just laughed while pushing the chair back in.

"Later Zuko. Learn something."

"Will do...dad," I spoke sarcastically.

"Hmm, I like that. Soon you'll be calling me daddy too. I'm with it," he joked and I smacked my teeth leaving the room for the front door right behind Izzy.

"Your brother is a mess."

"Tell me something I don't know..." she replied before opening the passenger's side of the car and getting in.

"Anthony is so into you, that's something you don't know or it's what you don't pay attention to." I said, closing my car door and starting up the car.

"Oh, jeez. Can we please talk about something else?"

I giggled and nodded, signaling that I'd drop the subject. "Fine. How come Isaac doesn't have to go to school? " I asked, curious.

"In boarding school, he got real focused and finished early. Dude is real smart when he actually applies himself."

"Damn, that might be the first nice thing I've heard you say about him." I acknowledged with a grin.

"Eh, he iight. Us arguing and bantering is how we show each other love...kind of like you and Travie."

"Nah, definitely not like us. At least you can count on Isaac." I mumbled.

"Still haven't talked to him after not coming to the dinner party?" I just shrugged it off because I didn't want to really discuss my frustrations.

"He called a few times, but it's always the same excuse with him. Me and Marco this...Marco and I that. I'm just tired of it."

Izzy nodded in understanding. "I hear you. Have you told him about his ways?"

"Multiple times, but he not hearing me. You know how that is though, he so in love that he can't see straight." Izzy cackled softly as I pulled in to Flint's student parking lot.

"Magical dick," she muttered lowly.

"Where have I heard that from?" I chortled with a smile as I got out of my car.

"It's a common disease amongst lovers. Hell, you probably had it at one point as well." I playfully rolled my eyes as we strolled to the inside of the school.

When I approached my locker, Travis was leaning on it and had a wrapped box in his hand. I stopped and sighed at the sight of him. Izzy caught my reaction and nudged me to walk over there before disappearing to her own class.

I walked over and the corners of his mouth perked up to show his smile. I, on the other hand wasn't having it.

"Hey, baby mama."

"Good morning. You're blocking my locker." I pointed out, not even taking the gift that he was trying to hand me.

I just shook my head. "No thanks. My birthday has already passed. Now, excuse me...I gotta get my books." I declared and he moved aside to let me get by.

"C'mon now, B. I'm sorry. I just got caught up. You know how that is."

"No, I don't. Anytime I date a guy you rarely even know because I never switch up on you. I always make sure that we good. Why? Because I care about our friendship. So, what's your excuse?"

"Brooklyn, I--" I waited for him to speak, but just like I anticipated he didn't have anything to say.

I slammed my locker closed after getting my book and proceeded to walk to class until I received a text.

I was expecting it to be Travis, but it wasn't.

Come to my classroom, please.

I gasped and thought about whether I should see what Gabe wanted. Something told me that I'd regret this later, but whatever.


I bit down on my bottom lip and pondered on what he could possibly want with me at this point as I marched down to his classroom and knocked on his door.

I stood there and waited until he unlocked it. A gracious smirk appeared on his face when he saw me. He got a hold of my hand and locked his room door.

"Ok, I'm here. What's up?" I asked with a concerned expression.

Gabe took a deep breath and didn't say a word. He just sauntered his way to closer to me and stroked my cheek with his hand.

As if I wasn't already timid, his touch added to my conflicted emotions. I swallowed hard, "What you doing?"

"Shhh," he whispered.

"Mr. Mason, I don't think this a good ide--"

His lips caught me off guard and my body operated differently from my mind wanted too. I melted into him as his hand grazed up and down my back. My mouth opened to his, and our tongues met for the briefest instance before he pulled away.

Suddenly, I seemed to be out of breath by just looking at him. "We shouldn't have done that..."

Gabe shook his head as if he didn't have a care in the world. "Baby, we needed that." Just as he spoke the late bell rang.

"I gotta go." I uttered, disappointed in myself.

"Wait." I turned around to see him at his desk writing. "What?" I replied.

He finished writing and walked back over to me, kissing my cheek. "A late pass, so they excuse your tardiness."

I furrowed my brows still confused as to why he was acting impetuous all of a sudden. I mean we went almost a year without speaking and now wants the old thing back. Yes, I'm disoriented mentally.

"Um, thanks...Mr. Mason. Preciate the late pass."

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Was Brooklyn being too hard on Travis?

Will Gabe and Brooklyn ever rekindle their inappropriate relationship?

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