8| Travis

508 19 14

I examined my swollen face in the bathroom mirror and gasped at the damage done. It's been an entire weekend of hiding and my face still hasn't healed correctly. I don't even feel like going to school today is in the cards for me.

 "Fuck," I groaned as I wiped my face with a dampened warm wash cloth.

"Morning!" Marco came into the bathroom with a pleasant grin, pecked my cheek, and stood in front of the toilet to take a leak. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Seriously?" I uttered as he looked up at me with his drowsy eyes.

"What's your problem? You've seen me naked already, so chill." he joked.

"I could care less about your lack of clothing, but why is it that you always wake up with the biggest smile on your face?" I stated before picking up my tooth brush from the sink counter and he shook his head as flushed the toilet.

"It's a nice morning. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Marco asked, nudging me to move aside so he could wash his hands. "And despite the fact that your face doesn't look the way you want it to...you should be happy as well," he declared with a small grin.

"You're here, so I'm happy enough. Can you give me a ride to school please?" I asked and his brow raised in confusion.

"You were just complaining about how your face look and still want to go to school?" he questioned. I simply nodded.

"Unfortunately, I can't miss anymore days of school because I've missed quite a bit this year and I have to graduate on time. I'll just wear hoodie to cover my face up and I should be fine." I assured him, but I wasn't even convincing myself with that statement.

"Ok, whatever you want. Let me go throw some clothes on right quick," he proceeded to exit the bathroom, but I got a firm hold on his arm to pull him back.

"What's up?" Marco faced me with concern when I reeled him back into the bathroom.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I cracked a smile and he shook his head.

"No, I'm not. You wanna be a tease early this morning knowing that I got a woody. Nope, not falling for that again." he planted a kiss on my forehead and left me in the bathroom alone. I smacked my teeth in defeat.

"You're no fun!" I playfully whined.

"Yeah, whatever." Marco cackled obnoxiously.

"I'm ready, you ready?" I inquired once I came from the bathroom and put my hoodie on along with my sneakers.

"Let's go baby."


I made it through just about all my classes without being questioned about my bruises. When it came time for lunch, I was happy to see Brooklyn because I didn't have a class with her this morning. "Sup, baby mama!" I exclaimed and she looked from drawing in her tablet.

"Hey you," she mumbled softly before taking a sip of her milkshake.

I sat in front of her and watched her doodle in the book. Although she never took her art seriously, I always thought she had a natural talent that could take her far if she really pursued it. "Damn, that looks good." I complimented.

"Thanks babe. It's something light." Brooklyn glance up once more and frowned at the sight of my face. "I still can't believe uncle Tev put hands on you like that. Does it hurt?"

I just shrugged it off. "Nah, it's cool. The swelling will be gone in no time."

B nodded with a concerned look. "So, what are your plans?"

"Plans for what?" I asked while taking a hand full of fries off of her tray. B sucked her teeth and slid the tray right in front of me.

"Here, greedy." She barked.

"I'm talking about your living situation and everything. You going back home or what? I told you that you can always stay at my house and I'm sure Sky would welcome you in her apartment with open arms too."

"Sky is kind of upset with me right now because I snapped on Bahja too. It was just a heat of the moment type thing, but I didn't mean to go at her like that." Brooklyn palmed her face and sighed deeply.

"Damn Travie. Why you went off on my auntie like that anyway?"

"I'm going to apologize to her because she genuinely didn't even look like she knew what was going on.  Anyways, I think I'm just gone stay with Marco until the school year ends and that's that."

"Whatever Travie." Brooklyn rolled her eyes and focused back down at her drawing tablet like my response irritated her.

"Woah, what's your deal?" I asked, confused about her reaction.

Brooklyn glanced back up at me and bit down on her bottom lip, hesitant to speak up. "I just don't think you should trust this guy because he's not who he portrays himself to be if you ask me." She vented and I was appalled.

"What are you talking about? I know Marco in more ways than one."

"Look, yesterday I was in the store and Marco was there all hugged up with some guy that has a man bun. You need to cut him loose, Trav. He obviously ain't no good." Brooklyn advised and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Wow, I can't believe this."  I muttered out.

"I know, it's crazy. Like I said, you can stay at my h-"

"No!" I interrupted her, causing some heads to turn but I didn't care. "B, I can't believe that you'd make up some bullshit like that. I mean damn, I understand that you don't like how much time I spend with him but this is over board. Don't make up some lie like that." I snapped angrily.

"Travis, do you hear yourself? Why would I lie about something like this? I wish is wasn't true, but it is."

"Jealousy is a real thing I see. Just because nobody wants you right now B doesn't mean you try to ruin someone else's situation. That ain't cool. For the first time ever, I've found somebody who genuinely loves me for me and you can't be happy for me." Brooklyn gathered her things from the table and got up.

"You're so blinded by the dick, you can't see straight. You haven't even asked him yet and you already think I'm the one lying. Fuck you and your bogus ass relationship, so much for me trying to be a good friend. Don't call me when he embarrasses you." she groaned before strolling away out of the cafeteria.

Brooklyn pissed me out that she would make an accusation like that about my Marco. This past year we've been together, he's never gave me a reason not to trust him and I'm not about let B's lies change that. He's the only person who has truly been there for me in the last few months and that's that.

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Are you surprised that Travis doesn't believe Brooklyn?

How long you think before Travis finds out the truth?

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