7| Brooklyn

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"Do you really have to go?" Gabe whined as he walked me outside to my car. "It's kind of late for you to be going anywhere at this point," he continued plead with me.

"It is late, which is why I need to head home. Plus, tomorrow is a school day and I need to be up, alert." Gabe playfully frowned and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in close.

"Fine. Call me when you reach home?"

"Of course." I assured him and pecked his cheek.

He gave me a disapproving look before speaking. "Damn, I make you a bomb dinner and all I get is a cheek kiss."

I cackled softly. "And what's wrong with a cheek kiss?"

"It pretty much means we're just  friends and we both know that's not the case." 

I looked off into the distance because in my mind we were just that, friends. I mean we go on dates and he treats me like his girl now, which I love. However, I still have my doubts so I'm taking it slow with Gabe until it feels right give this thing a label.

"Technically, we are just friends." I replied and he dropped his arms from my waist, giving me an uneasy look.

"Babe, don't make that face," I said, smacking my teeth. "I didn't say that I don't want this go beyond friendship, I'm just pointing out that we're not there yet. Now, give me a kiss," I added before poking my lips out.

Gabe played me and kissed my cheek. I rolled my eyes at his pettiness and his mouth formed a small smile to display his dimples. "You kiss all your friends on the lips?"

"Nah, only you. Now give me my kiss so I can make curfew." I snatched his shirt collar up before he could deny me and softly pressed my lips on his for a brief second.

"Aggressive, I like it." Gabe stated with newly cherry colored cheeks.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll call you when I get home." I opened my car door and settled in the front seat.

"Alright, babe. Be safe," he muttered, closing the door for me.

"Night." I put the key in the ignition and drove off from the apartment complex. In the midst of riding home, my mom called my line. I had to double check my watch to see if I was running late.

"Yes, mama?" I answered her once I got to a red light.

"Hey, you're on your way home I hope." I sighed at her reminding me of the curfew.

"Yes, mother. I'm leaving Izzy's house now. I should be home in about 15 minute if this traffic light turn green already." I casually lied to her.

"Okay, good. I need you to swing by the store for me. Get me a gallon of milk, two boxes of lucky charms, and two bags of cheese ruffles. I'll pay you back for it when you get here," she finished stating her grocery list and I giggled.

"Mama, I thought you were on a diet." I reminded her as I steered into Wal-Mart's parking lot to go get her unneeded junk food.

"No, Krissy is the one on the diet and I refuse to starve myself like that." I shook my head with a smile because I firmly remember them both committing to eating better and now she's backing out after only a week of trying.

"I got you mama. I'll be home with your stuff shortly." I assured her before hanging up the phone as I looked for a parking spot in the crowded lot. You'd think the store was a hang out spot the way people kept it packed all the time.

When I got inside, I replayed in my mind everything she said that she wanted. "Milk, lucky charms, and--cheese ruffles." I mumbled to myself and headed to get the milk first since it was closest to the area I was standing in.

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