silent echoes

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you stepped into the dimly lit backstage area, the muffled roar of the crowd seeping through the walls

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you stepped into the dimly lit backstage area, the muffled roar of the crowd seeping through the walls. your eyes scanned the chaotic scene before you. cables snaked across the floor, roadies hurriedly set up equipment, and stagehands rushed about with a sense of purpose. yet amid this flurry of activity, you felt oddly detached, as if you were observing a scene from a life that belonged to someone else. yes, you were just a backstage worker for kiss.

"hey, can you grab that box of cables over there?" mike, one of the stagehands, pointed to a cardboard box near the edge of the stage.

"sure," you muttered, hoisting the box with a grunt and carrying it to where mike was standing.

"thanks," he said, taking the cables from the box and handing them off to another crew member.

no one really talked to you beyond what was necessary. to them, you were just another backstage worker, easily replaceable. the band members? they were in their own world, enveloped in an aura that seemed to place them miles above everyone else.

you caught snippets of their conversations as they passed by, snippets that mostly revolved around the upcoming performance or some trivial matter of the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. you were invisible to them, a mere shadow lurking in the periphery of their glittering world.

"eric, how's the drum set?" paul stanley asked, his voice tinged with a casual indifference as he breezed past you.

"soundcheck was fine, paul. should be good to go," eric carr replied, his eyes scanning the stage layout with a practiced ease.

"alright, let's make sure everything's perfect. we don't want any screw-ups tonight," paul said before disappearing into his dressing room.

you watched them, the way they moved and interacted with everyone.

"y/n, can you help me with these stage props?" sarah, another backstage worker, interrupted your thoughts.

"of course," you replied, forcing a smile as you followed her to the storage area.

as you arranged the stage props, your mind drifted. you thought about how you ended up here, in this chaotic yet strangely lifeless environment. it was merely a job, a means to an end. but even as you acknowledged this, a part of you yearned for something more, something that would pull you out of this perpetual state of numbness.

"hey, are you okay?" sarah's voice jolted you back to reality. "you seem out of it today."

"yeah, just tired," you replied, avoiding her gaze.

"alright, well, let me know if you need anything," she said, concern evident in her eyes. you nodded, appreciating the brief moment of genuine concern, but as sarah went about her tasks, the disconnect settled back in.

the crew worked together seamlessly, a well-oiled machine preparing the stage for the grand spectacle that would unfold. however, amidst the camaraderie and shared purpose, you remained an outsider. no one bothered to dig beneath the surface, to unravel the layers of fatigue that clung to you like a heavy shroud.

as the band's soundcheck echoed through the venue, you found a secluded spot, hidden from the hustle and bustle. leaning against a wall, you observed the crew's interactions, the laughter, and banter that skipped over you like an elusive melody.

ace frehley strolled by, a cloud of cigarette smoke trailing in his wake. he cast a fleeting glance in your direction, his eyes briefly meeting yours. for a split second, it felt like a connection, but then he continued on his way, disappearing into the backstage labyrinth.

the concert neared, and the energy surged as the venue filled with eager fans. you watched from the sidelines, the distant thump of your heartbeat matching the rhythm of the music. the lights dimmed, and the crowd roared in anticipation as kiss took the stage.

in that moment, bathed in the glow of the performance, you felt a flicker of something unfamiliar—an ember of excitement. the music reverberated through the venue, and for the first time, you allowed yourself to be absorbed by the spectacle.

the band's larger-than-life personas seemed to amplify under the spotlight, yet the divide between their world and yours remained unbridged. ace's guitar wailed, and as the crowd erupted in cheers, you felt a pang of envy. envy for their passion, their connection to the music, a connection that eluded you like a distant dream.

backstage , the crew buzzed with activity, but you lingered in the shadows, a silent spectator to a world that felt just out of reach. as the final chords resonated through the venue, you couldn't shake the feeling that, in this sea of chaos, you were adrift, unnoticed and unmoored.

𝐈'𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ; ace frehley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now