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the setting had shifted, yet the familiarity of the backstage ambiance felt strangely comforting

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the setting had shifted, yet the familiarity of the backstage ambiance felt strangely comforting. a few days had passed since the last concert, and now you found yourself in another city, another venue, away from home and surrounded by a new wave of frenetic activity. the constant change of scenery had become a blur, but today was different. today, you were not just another shadow lurking in the periphery.

as you navigated through the maze of equipment and crew members, you spotted eric in full costume and makeup just sitting on a nearby road case, just playing around with his drumsticks. the steady beat resonated through the air, a captivating cadence that seemed to transcend the chaos of the backstage world.

"hey," you greeted, approaching eric cautiously.

"hey, there you are," eric replied, setting down his drumsticks. "i was hoping to catch up with you."

"oh yeah?" you asked, a hint of surprise coloring your voice.

"yeah," eric said, patting the space next to him on the road case. "come, sit."

you hesitated for a moment before taking a seat beside him, the makeshift perch offering a vantage point to observe the bustling activity around you.

"so, what's your story?" eric asked, his eyes meeting yours with genuine curiosity.

"my story?" you echoed, caught off guard by the directness of the question.

"yeah, how'd you end up working backstage? there's gotta be more to you than meets the eye," eric said, his tone laced with intrigue.

you paused, contemplating how much to reveal, but there was something about eric's earnest demeanor that encouraged honesty.

"it was a job, something to pay the bills," you finally said, keeping your response vague yet genuine.

eric nodded, absorbing your words as he picked up his drumsticks once more, twirling them around.

"i get that," he said, pausing to glance at you. "jobs like this can be a stepping stone, or they can become more. either way, there's usually a reason people stick around."

you considered his words, pausing for a second.

"yeah, it started as a way to pay the bills," you admitted, "but you're right. sometimes there's more to it than that."

just as you were about to delve deeper into your thoughts, a familiar voice interjected, breaking the intimate atmosphere.

"you know, sometimes we're all just here because we've got nothing better to do," paul stanley said, sauntering over with a light hearted smirk on his face. "couldn't help but overhear your little heart-to-heart."

the sudden interruption caught you off guard, and you felt a wave of tension wash over you. unlike your previous interactions with eric, paul's presence was unexpected, his casual demeanor contrasting sharply with the more genuine connection you had been fostering.

𝐈'𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ; ace frehley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now