a chance encounter

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in the wake of that transformative night with ace, a newfound sense of happiness enveloped you

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in the wake of that transformative night with ace, a newfound sense of happiness enveloped you. the realization that you were now in a relationship with ace frehley seemed surreal, like a dream you never wanted to wake up from. the world had shifted, the colors brighter, the sounds clearer, and for the first time in a long while, you felt truly alive.

with a spring in your step, you found yourself craving something sweet. ice cream. the thought tantalized your taste buds, urging you out of the confines of your home. slipping into your shoes, you decided to take a leisurely walk to the nearby park, hoping to find an ice cream truck that often frequented the area.

the soft hum of children playing and birds chirping provided a soothing backdrop as you approached the park. your eyes lit up as you spotted the familiar sight of an ice cream truck parked by the entrance. a smile graced your lips as you joined the line, already imagining the creamy delight that awaited you.

just as you were handed a cone filled with your favorite flavor, a tap on your shoulder interrupted your blissful moment. turning around, you were met with a group of girls, each exuding a beauty and confidence that momentarily took you aback.

"excuse me," one of them said, her voice carrying a hint of condescension. "you're y/n l/n, right? the one ace frehley called hot?"

caught off guard by the unexpected recognition, you nodded cautiously. the girls exchanged glances, smirks dancing across their faces as they seemed to revel in a shared secret.

"well, aren't you the lucky one," another girl chimed in, her tone dripping with a blend of envy and mockery.


"you're lucky," one of them sneered, her words dripping with sarcasm. "ace must've been really desperate that night to call you hot. didn't know he needed cunt that bad. honestly, you're just a plain-looking girl who looks like she never gets any sleep."

the remarks stung, but you refused to show it. a defiant smirk played on your lips as you coolly responded, "well, we're together."

a collective gasp swept through the group of girls, their initial confidence momentarily replaced by dumbfounded disbelief. however, the pause was brief, as their expressions twisted into a mix of disdain and determination.

"oh, please," one of them scoffed, regaining her composure. "he'll leave you for someone actually sexy, like me. you're just an ugly bitch who thinks she hit the jackpot. rockstars never stay loyal; he'll probably pick some groupie over you any day."

their words planted seeds of doubt, and for a moment, you couldn't help but glance down at the cone of ice cream in your hands, suddenly feeling self-conscious. these girls seemed to embody a conventional standard of beauty that you had never felt you measured up to.

but you refused to let their words unravel your newfound happiness. taking a deep breath, you locked eyes with them, a hint of defiance in your gaze. "well, we'll see about that," you retorted, your tone laced with determination.

as you stood your ground, a defiant glint in your eyes, the group of girls erupted into laughter. their laughter echoed around you, each peal mocking and dismissive, amplifying the vulnerability that threatened to surface.

"yeah, we'll see," one of the girls mimicked, her tone dripping with condescension. "good luck holding onto him when he realizes what he's stuck with."

as the girls sauntered away, their laughter lingering like an unwelcome echo, you stood there, alone with your thoughts. the shadows of doubt crept in, and for a moment, their cruel words echoed in your mind.

maybe they're right.

𝐈'𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ; ace frehley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now