emptiness filled

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it had been a few days since that day and you were back in your home

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it had been a few days since that day and you were back in your home. morning sunlight streamed into your room, gently waking you from a night's sleep on the couch. a stretch, a yawn, and the day began. no concert buzz, no backstage hustle—just the quiet routine of an ordinary day.

you shuffled to the bathroom, the cool tiles a brisk greeting beneath your feet. after the quick rituals, such as brushing your teeth and washing your face, a glance in the mirror revealed a face free of sweat from the night.

showered and dressed, the aroma of brewing coffee lured you into the kitchen. the familiar hum of the fridge accompanied your morning routine. opening the door, you were met with the stark reality of an almost empty fridge. a carton of milk, a jar of pickles, and half a lemon stared back at you.

groceries were in order, and with a groan, you grabbed your bag and keys. the door clicked behind you as you stepped into the surprisingly mild morning. no need for a jacket today, it was pretty nice weather.

slipping into your car, the engine hummed to life as you settled into the driver's seat, ready to embark on the mundane errand of grocery shopping. however, as the car idled in the driveway, an unexpected stillness settled within you. Instead of immediately driving away, you found yourself sitting there, staring at the garage door as if waiting for some crazy and insane to happen.

the world outside kinda seemed to move at its own pace. kids played in the nearby yard, their laughter ringing through the air. people went about their lives, chatting, walking dogs, and enjoying the simplicity of a day that, for them, held no extraordinary weight.

yet, as you sat in the car, a sense of disconnect washed over you.

holy shit, you were miserable.

resting your head on the steering wheel, you closed your eyes, seeking a brief comfort. the laughter of children and the distant hum of traffic started pissing you off.

with a sigh, you lifted your head. you turned the car's ac on just a notch, craving a small comfort amid the conflicting emotions. enough was enough. gripping the steering wheel, you shifted the car into reverse and backed out of the driveway.

the drive to the grocery store seemed longer than usual, each traffic light and passing car serving as a reminder of the world's ceaseless motion. yet, beneath the surface, a simmering frustration lingered, a subtle undercurrent that tainted even the simplest moments.

arriving at the grocery store, you parked the car and took a moment to breathe. the sun, once so bright and intrusive, had mellowed into a gentle shade, casting a coolness over the surroundings. the change in atmosphere felt like a small reprieve, a shift in the day's energy that resonated with your internal state.

stepping out of the car, you embraced the newfound tranquility. the slight chill in the air was a welcome contrast to the earlier brightness. standing in the shade, you allowed yourself a moment to simply be, to absorb the calm that surrounded you.

𝐈'𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ; ace frehley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now