Chapter 53

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"Come on, boy. Let's go." I put two fingers in my mouth and whistle for Hector to come and get in the truck. We're off to the practise for Saturday morning, it'll be fairly quiet then Eliza, Sadie, Sage, and I will be meeting at Bluebell's to discuss the fundraiser. On top of that I remind myself I need to make time to sit down with Mrs Winters regarding the Fall festival. My mom will want to be involved again this year; she usually bakes the pies along with Sage's mom. It sure is busy.

I've got a spring in my step as I open the door for Hector, who bounces into the front and settles himself down with his two front feet dangling over the edge of the chair. I reach for the seatbelt and give it a good yank to snap it in and attach Hector's halt to it. He's such a good boy and lets me get on with it. I ruffle his head and go to the driver's side.

And yes, you can all guess why I have a spring in my step. Being with Sage last night was beyond my wildest dreams, especially after she came rocking back into Willowbrook being a stubborn Missy not to mention a grump.

I find myself whistling as I turn on the ignition, Hector nudges my hand as I grab the shift stick and reverse the truck away from the cabin. I sure am looking forward to seeing Sage today. I'm not going to lie, I do have a small amount of apprehension going on, what if she has decided last night was a mistake? What if it was just the wine, the atmosphere and maybe seeing what it would be like with me again? I shake my head; I need to knock that nonsense out of my mind and keep it at bay.

I want this woman with every fibre in my body, my heart wants her and okay, okay my dick can't get enough of her. Too much? Well, that's just the way it is. I'll do whatever it takes to make her mine again.

We pull up outside the surgery, Eliza's car is already outside, and Sadie is just walking up the few steps to the front door. She's got a four-pack tray of coffees and a bag of something from Bluebell's café in her hand.

Now I think about it, I'm hungry. It must have been the sex last night and ensuring my girl had a few orgasms, just to let her know what she has been missing.

"Hey, you." Sadie calls out. "I got you a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel."

"Just what I need. Thanks, Sadie. Make sure you get some petty cash back from Eliza."

"Nah, don't worry about it. On me." She pushes the door open with her foot, the small bell on top rings out. Hector starts to murmur to be released from the halter. He's pretty good but he really prefers not to have a halter on him. I unclip him, open the door and he bounces straight out, cocks his leg on the tree out front of the practice and bounds up the steps, sits at the door and looks expectantly at me.

"Morning, Eliza. How are you this fine day?" I close the door behind me.

"Someone is nice and chipper, wouldn't happen to be anything to do with a certain young lady doctor, would it?" She chuckles.

"About that." I start to say.

"Can't talk now, have to call Mr Jacobs back." She pushes her glasses back on her nose and picks the phone up. I mutter something about, yeah, right. I know Eliza set Sage and I up, but I can't be fed up with her about it, look what an amazing evening we ended up having. If we hadn't been given a certain little nudge, last night would never have taken place.

Hector dashes round to Eliza's side of the counter, she reaches into her purse and pulls out some doggy treats. He takes one and lays down by her feet to chew on it. Traitor. But I love that everyone here in Willowbrook loves Hector as much as I do.

"Morning everyone." I turn as Sage comes through and I swear her face looks radiant this morning. Fresh and clear, her eyes have a sparkle in them, and that smile is wider than Julia Roberts' right now. Mm, I am thinking someone has the same happy step in their stride too.

"Good morning, darlin'. Looking forward to the day?" I ask as I lean against the reception desk, taking in her delectable shape, her legs encased in leggings which showcase those runner legs of hers, the same ones that were wrapped around me last night. I need to stop thinking about that otherwise Eliza and Sadie are going to be seeing my dick standing on charge.

It's pretty challenging, however, with her in those leggings, a tight sweater that gives me an amazing show of her perfect breasts and that small waist of hers. Is it getting hot in here, or is it me? Okay, it's me.

"Of course. What've we got this morning?"

Eliza turns to both of us and smiles. Sage narrows her eyes at her in a playful way. "I've got to have a word with you." She says.

"Oh, hell y'all look so cute."

"That as it may be, Eliza but you know the score. I'm out of here as soon as I get my position in State." Sage takes her coffee from the carton cupholder Sadie brought in and reaches in the bag for a bagel. "Mm, coconut latte. Divine." She has froth on her top lip, I reach over and run my finger along her lip. Sage smiles, damn this feels like old times. My heart literally skips a beat.

"We'll see, Dr Bennett." Eliza retorts. "Anyway, back to your question. You have young Crystal coming in about her cycle, she's having bad pains and wants to get some advice on what she can do or take. As you know she's a naturalist and not in for any heavy pain meds."

"Got it." Sage says and drinks more of the latte, then bites into the bagel. How I'd love to be that bagel right now, with her tongue twisting around mine.

"You've got Mr Jenkins, Dr Logan. He just needs a repeat prescription for his water tables. Sadie and I are clear so we're thinking of working on the festival plan for the stalls."

"Thanks, Eliza. Send Mr Jenkins in when he arrives. I'll be in my office. Hector, come on, boy." I pat my leg but he's not budging. Why would he when Eliza is the queen of dog treats this morning.

Sage follows me down the hall until she reaches her office door, then grabs my shirt taking me by surprise.

"What you doing tonight?" There is no mistaking the look in her gorgeous eyes.

"Whatever you'd like, darlin'." She does still want to see me. My body relaxes with relief. I can't tell you how relieved I do feel knowing that last night wasn't a one off for old time's sake.

"I'm thinking, Dr Logan you could take me to our spot in the mountain. We can take a blanket and a picnic basket, look at the stars laying on our backs, you know like we used to."

My heart is about to burst, I want to kiss her until the cows come home, only I spot Crystal coming through the door. It can wait until later.

Sage, me, the stars, and the moon. It's going to be a perfect night.

"You got it, beautiful." We separate and go into our own offices. I am going to make sure it's a night she can never forget. Told you, I'm on a mission to make her change her mind about leaving Willowbrook. 

Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now