Chapter 3

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8 persons are leaving for Thailand They took off the private jet from European Airport....

After 24 hours

A big black car entered the parking lot of airport and The head bodyguard and Assistant of Komal Kom came out and ordered Ruth kit lop to come with him and ordered some of them to wait after that They left.......

They take their cars from Airport and left for their mansion...
Cars entered the mansion and They entered the mansion A old aunty came out from kitchen and gave them water....

And then komal and Kim started they first introduced Gulf Mew then Rain Sky and Banky Nhai....

As time passed Aunty and boys started to get along.....

After 1 week....

Today is their first day of university...
As they entered the university they were welcomed by famous cold professor that caught everyone attention......
They go to dean office and take their schedule and go to their faculty and their classes......
They decided to meet at canteen during lunch break.....

Same University but Theerapanyakul siblings,

They entered the university with their usual cold face and talks and go to their classes.......

During lunch break,

The Theerapanyakul siblings entered the canteen their fans started screaming and talking about them...

On the other way Nhai Rain coursity reached on its peak and they also started making their way to see the boys.....

But before that Bank and sky pulled them and told them to not being curious cat.....
Rain Sky Bank and Nhai eat on one table their new friend Earth sat with them and They asked about them.....

He said that They are famous Theerapanyakul siblings cold toward everyone but they love each other so much that they can kill who try to hurt their brothers...
They are famous for their looks money fame and power and their fathers are No. 1 mafia They all are Playboys
Suddenly All of them said we hate Playboy
Their seats are almost near so their topics started the siblings went silent and started listening their talks with their usual cold face........

After some minutes Bank phone started ringing and he answered the phone and he smriked and said with a evil voice we are coming back......
Rain Sky Nhai were listening his talk and changing in his behaviour he understands that something happened so they were silent after call ended they asked......
He said we have urgent matter so we are leaving and they bid bye to earth and left with their big black car.........


I am here with new part.....
Sorry  for late update I was too lazy to write and network issue too.....
I hope you like it......

Stay tuned for more updates......

Bye cuties.......

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