Chapter 4

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As you read in previous chapter let's continue from half written.......
None of them see anyone faces so their identity is still unknown.......

After they left they turned to see their faces but they were already left......
They reached their mansion......
They sended Nhai into his room because they don't want him to know that made him afraid....
They sat on the coachs and sky asked....
What happened dad....
Mews says ,  someone leaked the information that we are in Thailand and our rivals are planning to attack us......

When you all are in university our spy told us that they are trying to get our information and trying to  keep an eye on us....
So be careful outside and always be on alert....

I am keeping some shadow bodyguards around all of you.....

They ended their talks and left for their works and meeting and boys goes into rooms.....

After getting fresh,

They all have their dinner and boys goes to their and started discussing about their studies.....

They all  sended Nhai to their room and sleep and they will come after some time.....

They discuss some plan to not get suspicious by their rivals after that They all went to their room to sleep......

At dragon Mansion,

All the siblings are their dinner and they asked their spy to found out new students who come on the university in their first year.....
They got many students but they didn't found out who were on that table beside them after that they all went to their rooms and slept.......

Let me clear your doubts that as you all are thinking that their rival don't know their son face so no they don't know....
When they all were on elementary school they take them to Europe to hide  their identity so their rivals knows that they have sons but none of them have seen their faces......
And you all are thinking that Why all besties are sleeping on the same room even after having their own room so you all will read a past in the upcoming chapters......


I am here with new part. This chapter is a little bit short..........

Stay tuned for more updates....

Bye cuties......

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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