4. Old Friends

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Jax had no clue where his father was taking him, but he knew that it greatly had to do with hunting and scavenging off the lands of Skyrim, where the ancient dwemer and their ancient Nordic perusers roamed. He didn't care as he in reality did not want to go to his home town ever again. It had a lot of thoughtful pains of his mother and her love for the boy. To many memories that pained him, including Oke'ra.

Oke'ra to Jax, is his friend and he helped him greatly learn the secrets of magic, that however, gave him a sinking feeling it was his fault. His fault for teaching Jax Magic that he couldn't even save his mother with. Was Oke'ra really to blame for his mother's death? Jax in himself was confused and had constant thoughts a young boy shouldn't have regarding death. Jax decided at this point to avoid his past at any costs and study magic, behind Lud's back.

With a snap back to the reality at hand, he began to look around, viewing the world around him. It wasn't like Rorikstead, as there were trees everywhere covered in the white stuff known as snow. For his depressing thoughts, he admitted to it's infinite beauty and glamour. This was a short lived feeling, as his beautiful red haired mother came in to picture. He vowed to leave his past behind, but this snow made him imagine the snow on the plains near Rorikstead. It reminded him of the snow capped mountains, just near his home. Most importantly it reminded him of his times playing in the snow with his mom, building snow angels, snowmen and even how the snow complemented her Red hair. Why is it this new site reminded him of her?

Jax looked to the side at his father, who was quietly directing the carriage horses along a narrow path through the forests. He had questions for his father but he didn't really know how to ask his father anything. Jax believed his father would blame him because of magic, however, if he didn't ask now, then there would be no chance later on.

"Hey father," Jax began nervously, "Um, I have a question." There was a smooth silence, with the sound of wind rustling through the fir trees. Jax went to ask again but was cut off by the raising of Lud's hand.

"Shhh son, I hear the sounds of a nearby bandit camp," Lud whispered like the wind. Jax could faintly hear him enough to understand him ever so slightly. Jax began to look about frantically, trying to get an ever so glimpse of the bandits his father was talking about. Within minutes he noticed a flame, to the right of the carriage; to Jax it seemed like a campfire and with that he noticed people dressed in hides and dancing about the fire as if they had been drinking.

"Son what do you notice in that camp over there, I know you noticed it too," Lud whispered back to his son, "Do you notice the alcohol they are drinking, or their individual sounds compared to the land around you? Can you notice the skins they are wearing?" Lud began to sniff the air as if he were an animal of nature, a beast tracking his kill. Jax was silent for a second but eventually spoke to his strange father.

"Father I only notice their fire, dance, drunken state, and their dressed in furs." Jax was strangely not noticing anything in the air or their fur colors. He felt they were too far away for him to notice. Jax began to doubt himself in his ability when he began to notice a stench. Jax changed his view point, "Dad they are drinking honeybrew mead, and that smell reminds me of a dog. Their noise is destroying the calming state of the woods."

His father looked back at Jax and smiled, "That's my boy Jax for you, you definitely have my instincts but you need a lot of work to sharpen your perception. That's why you're already in training. I noticed that bunch a mile away, noisy pricks aren't they son."

Jax shook his head and began to embrace the sound of the nature around him. He could hear the birds, the whispering wind, trees crackling, and those noisy bandits. Growing annoyed with them, he began shouting directly towards the individuals in question, "Shut up! You are destroying the beautiful calmness.." He was cut off by Lud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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