Chapter five

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"tell me everything!" poppy started with her usual energy, she took the troll to her home after taking them from JD.

"Woah, relax poppy." they started with a small sigh. "what do you mean?" — "what is it that you want me to tell you?" they said in a confused tone while poppy ushed them to sit on the sofa.

she sat by their side and smiled at the troll. "Come onnn! tell me what's going on with John dory!"

the troll freezed for a moment before they started talking. "what- no, there isn't anything going on with John dory, i just found him there and that's all." they didn't want to admit anything too confidential as their sudden feeling that flowed for John dory.

"then why were you blushing?" she gasped. "maybe he was flirting with you?"

"Ah.. yeah, he was." the troll said while looking away, not giving a lot of information but just agreeing and waiting to poppy to change the subject of their conversation.

poppy stayed silent, her smile fading a little bit. "Hey, you know i dont really want to  push you... if you don't want to talk about it it's okay, you just have to tell me."

"..." the troll didn't say a word before sighing. "its okay poppy, i still have a lot to think. I'll tell you later." they said, looking at her with a small smile.

"meanwhile, what if we... bake some cookies?"

poppy smiled and quickly got up from her place, thrusting her hand in to take the hand of the troll, taking her to the kitchen.

Poppy quickly got the ingredients and as always, she started singing.

[Another day of sun - Lala Land.]

"Summer sunday nights. we'd sink into our seats. Right as they dimmed out all the lights." poppy sang with her amazing voice.

the troll decided to follow too. "A technicolor made out of music and machine. It called me to be on that screen... and live inside each scene." they sang a bit dreamily, moving around the kitchen, dancing yet still preparing the cookies with precision. "without a nickel to my name."

"hoped a bus, here i came."

"could be brave or just insane." they sang in unison. "we'll have to see."

poppy sang again. "'Cause maybe in that sleepy town, he'll sit one day, the lights are down."

"he'll see my face and think of how he used to know me..." the troll sang while helping poppy to put the cookies in the tray.

they sang in unison once more. "Climb these hills, I'm reaching for the heights." they put the tray with the cookies in the oven. "And chasing all the lights that shine"

"And  when they let you down." Poppy rested her hands on her hips before looking over the troll, with a happy smile. "you'll get up off the ground." She quickly jumped to give them a hug.

"'Cause morning rolls around." they sang and reciprocated the hug, letting her go before ending their singing. "And it's another day of sun."

they laughed together before walking out of the kitchen, for their suprise, poppy stayed silent for some minutes, but she wasn't sad or anything, she was happy, maybe just giving them some time to have some peace or she's just thinking about other things.

the troll sat back again on the couch, letting a content sigh escape their lips before they started talking. "y'know... i think i kind of like john dory..." poppy looked at them with some suprise. "but like, we met not too long ago, im pretty suprised of how i feel like ... like i know him all along..." the troll looked at their hands, just thinking about what they said. "i feel calm when he's around and i forget my problems ..." they looked over at poppy, who was smiling softly at them, knowing how that feeling felt.

"Y/N, i must say, i think he feels the same." poppy got up from the ground, leaving her things there before she got closer to the troll. "i never saw john dory so... I can't explain- but he really looks like he really enjoys to stay with you, i only saw him once with you, but i can tell!"

the troll laughed at her comment, it was something that made them genuinely a bit more confident over going around with JD.

"I get it, poppy." they said, chuckling softly. "thank you for everything."

her smile widened a lot. "You're welcome!" a loud ding came from the kitchen, meaning that the cookies were done.

Rhonda! (Jhon Dory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now