Light in the Darkness

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Cassidy's POV:
"Gingka... it's been a long time." Phoenix says while looking up. " it really you?" Gingka says in disbelief. "Phoenix is..." "Gingka's dad!" "But Gingak... Gingka's father is gone!" Kenta, madoka, and Hyoma say trying to make sense of the situation. "I'm not one to die easily. I am the phoenix. I have been reborn again." Gingka's dad says with pride. Wait so what do I call him now. Do I still call him phoenix or Gingka's dad? Eh I'll just say hey you. "What do you mean Phoenix!" Gingka says with an aggressive tone. "How could you! How could you do this to me! What were you thinking!" Gingka's yells while starting to tear up. "If you were alive why didn't you come see me right away!" Gingka yells. He runs to give his dad a hug while breaking down into tears. "Oh Gingka... im so sorry. Right now we'd better hurry and save your friend." Gingka's dad says. "I have that part covered." I say with a smile revealing Yu.

Kyoya's POV:
"Battle Bladers is coming closer and closer to the end. Gingka's place in the final battle has already been decided but will his opponent be Kyoya or Ryuga! This battle is gonna rock the house!" The announcer yells. The Tv starts playing back the battles Ryuga has recently had. "Turn it off!" I yell annoyed. "Huh but why?" Benkei asks. "All his battles have been burned in my memory already. All I have to do now is beat him. Come with me." I say and walk out the room.

We walk down the hall to end up running into the others. To my surprise there's this guy that looks exactly like Gingka. I'm not sure why but the sight of two Gingka's next to each other really pisses me off.

"Alright time to talk dad. You have to tell me what's going on. Why did you hide from me all these years." Gingka says confronting his father. "I guess I do owe you that. But first I must tell you the history of bey blade." Gingka's dad says. He goes on the tell a story about 2 stars falling from the sky. "One held an evil power that the people were in tranced by. They created a top that could feed off of the desires and despair of the people. As time passed the evil bey was passed around and stored power. Now the only way to defeat it is the light of hope, which is the other star. The created a top that held hope and joy of the people that was able to defeat the evil one. L drago was supposed to stay in that cave forever." Gingka's dad explains. "But Doji was able to sniff out it's existence." I say.

"One must not be consumed by the evil bey. I stood against the Dark Nebula when they appeared in our village. I did my best to try and defeat them however it was no use. That's why I gave you Pegasus." He continues. "You trusted me to be able to defeat him" Gingka mumbles. "I thought that the it would be easier to defeat the Dark Nebula if they thought I was dead. I also thought it was the best thing for you so you could grow on your own." He says ending off his story. "So that's what happened" Gingka says. "And while you recovered Gingka's journey brought him to us." Kenta says.

"During his journey Gingka meet a set back and return to our village. It was there he showed me he had what it took but much of his success is because he meet all of you. By creating a bond with his friends he was able to grow so much more. It was then when I knew for certain. I'm not the one that can defeat L drago. It's you, all of you. The same way our ancestors once defeated the dark spirits you must combine all of your bey spirits into one. The only thing that can save the world of bey blade is the spirit of young bladders like you." He goes on to say. Not gonna lie... this guy talks to much. "What were you gonna do if Gingka couldn't have gotten into Battle Bladers?" Benkei asks. "If you lose just stand back up again. No matter how many time you lose you just have to stand back up again." Gingka says. "But would a good father go as far as this." Benkei questions. "It's because he's a good father that he did. He believed that Gingka could make it no matter what challenges he face." Hyouma says. "I get that but dang. Me personally would be throwing hands." I hear Cassidy mumble causing me to hold back a laugh.

"It's because all of you that I've been able to get here." Gingka says looking back at us. "Yes don't forget about the power of friendship. Always remember Gingka your friends are right behind you." Phoenix says.

Cassidy POV:
Ok seriously, am I in an anime like what's with this power of friendship stuff?

Kyoya POV:
"That's right! Which is exactly why I'll carry all of you with me when I defeat Ryuga!" Gingka says. When he defeats Ryuga? "Yeah that's right!" "Do it for all of us Gingka" "we believe in you" the others say cheering him on with continues to anger me. "I will. I will beat Ryuga and show everyone our true bey spirit." Gingka says which tipped me over the edge. "I think y'all are forgetting about one little detail! He has to go through me first!" I snap at them. "Y-yeah it's true Ryuga's next opponent is Kyoya." Benkei says. I look around and room and get the answer to my question before I even ask it. So much for believing in your friends, all I see now is doubt."Bonds of friendship and pure spirit. I'm gonna be honest all that stuff means nothing to me however I've been training so hard just to defeat you Gingka. Do you understand that now! Don't think your the only one that's over come trials and challenges sorry to tell you but Ryuga is mine you hear me. Your final opponent will be me and my rock Leon!" I yell out at them. "Ok then I'll be waiting." Gingka says with a serious expression.

Cassidy's POV:
You don't care for friends huh? So what am I...

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