|.Start Of A Melody.|

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This is a story where He Tian gifts Mo the guitar we have seen him give in the cannon story and takes it in his hands to teach Mo how to play to be able to get closer and spend more time with Mo. He Tian also hopes to learn more about the redhead but along the way discovers a certain feeling along with Mo read to find out what happens!! ALSO THIS HAS BAD GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION IN CASE YOU DIDN'T SEE.

The bell rung. The redheads class was finally over and mo could finally go home or so he hoped. Remembering that raven haired boy, he tian, that always found a way to get him to cook for him daily and for some odd reason he tian always wanted beef stew... Mo expecting he tian to be waiting went outside to the front only to not see He Tian as normal. As relieved as mo was he was worried if something had happened to the raven haired boy, he always waited for the redhead to pester him about cooking for him. mo not wanting to look into it much and just started to walk to his home. Mo was about to walk out the gates until he was pulled by the back of his shirts collar. 'god dammit' mo thought already knowing who was tugging at him. "Hi MoMo did you miss me!" He tian shot his signature smile already knowing the answer mo was about to give. "You wish chicken dick!" mo somewhat yelled, he tian just let out a light chuckle "what are you making for dinner MoMo~" he tian threw his arm around the redheads shoulder walking with him as they headed towards he tians apartment. "your dick and balls" mo said wanting it to come out as a insult but of course he tian just made it a way to flirt "aww i was hoping for beef stew but thats fine to as long as its with your mouth and hands!" he tian smirked "NOT LIKE THAT YOU CHICKEN DICK,but if beef stew is what you want considering its all you eat than fine! ill make it." mo said with his face furrowed like always "great than lets hurry to my apartment cause i'm hungry momo!" He tian rushed the other.


As mo stirred the stew watching it to make sure it doesn't overflow the pot he tian placed his chin on mo's shoulder that wasn't stirring and wrapped his arms around the red heads waist making the redhead jump a bit, he tian just stared at mo's side profile admiring his facial features. "get off of me dickhead" said mo elbowing he tian not so hard in the stomach he tian didn't budge and just placed his cheek instead of his chin on mo's shoulder "MoMo is there any instruments you play?" he tian asked "no but i wanna learn how to play the guitar, and didnt I ask you to get off?!" mo guan shan nudged he tian again. This time he tian decided to listen backing up with his hands up to lean on the counter "You know lil mo i know how to play guitar I could teach you for free" he tian winked at mo hinting at the image of being close to the redhead touching him. this made mo blush a bit almost turning as red as his hair tho he had to admit learning how to play guitar for free was a good deal but he didn't know where he would even get the money to get a guitar "where would I even buy a guitar dipshit" mo questioned " I have a spare one in a storage unit down the street" he tian mentioned " I could give it to you since i don't use as much as I use my black one in my closet" he tian walked a bit closer to mo as the red head was pouring beef stew into a bowl for he tian and him. mo had to admit being able to learn guitar with no expenses other then having to stay around the annoying he tian all day was hard to choose between somewhat less annoying days or being able to learn the instrument of his dream. "I don't know.." said mo "BUT ITS NOT LIKE I NEED YOUR HELP TO LEARN HE FUCKING TIAN" mo stuck up the finger while somewhat yelling at he tian not wanting to sound to rude. " I bet I can learn by myself" mo said as if it was a challenge "aww but MoMo it would be so much fun teaching youuu~" he tian pouted walking closer towards mo grabbing one of the redheads hands and rubbing it mo was in deep thought on what to do not wanting to show he tian a weak side of fessing up to him that he didn't even notice he tian was rubbing his hand which now became both of his hands. "not like I need your help chicken dick but..." mo sighed "I guess learning from you wouldn't be so bad" Mo looked away blushing a bit in embarrassment. gosh he tian would probably not ever admit it to Lil mo's face but he was a sucker for when mo would get all blushy and embarrassed. he tian rub and examined Lil mo's hand one last time before letting go and grabbing his bowl of beef stew " Great its settled than MoMo! Tomorrow after school we can order take out and ill teach you!" he tian said shining a generally happy smile at mo. " whatever chicken dick" said mo as he grabbed his bowl and sat down near he tian and they ate the beef stew.

OK! I know this was short and didnt have much of them like being all lovey dovey and stuff but next chapter is going to be a part 2 for this and its going to have wayy more lovey dovey stuff than this chapter! i'm going to work on it but its new years eve and i'm going to be busy so ill work on it literately next year of Janurary first 2024. HAVE A AMAZING NEW YEAR IF YOUR READING THIS AT THAT TIME EVEN THO THIS MIGHT NOT BE POPULAR SINCE ITS MY FIRST EVER STORY-- BYEEE LOVE ANYONE WHO IS READING THIS. ALSO FROM NOW ON MO GUAN SHAN IS GOING BY LIL MO OR MOMO AND HE TIAN IS GOING BY TIAN AND JIAN YI BY JIAN AND ZHEN ZHENG XI BY ZHEN. ANYWAYSSS BYEEE

He Tian x Mo Guan Shan |Start Of A Melody.|MIDWhere stories live. Discover now