Nice and Nasty

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This is for you



Tonight is the night August gets back from his tour. I swear three months without my best friend was driving me crazy. Honestly, I'm going to tell him how i feel. I just want to see if the feelings are the same.

Before he left, we shared a mind blowing kiss. I still can't get the kiss off my mind. We talk while he was on tour but it was different. We flirted and said a lot of intimate dreams.


I ran down stairs excited and nervous. I don't know if things going to go while. I open the door to see Big T carrying August bags in my house.

Hey Big T

Hi Little Lady

Big T took August's stuff to the living room and left back out. I left the open waiting for August to walk though the door.

I went to the kitchen for a snack since he's taking forever. I turn around and seen him standing door way of my kitchen. I can't lie that man is sexy.

I show him lick his lips and smile and me. I guess was looking to long cause he walk over and kiss me. His soft lips on mine cause we to grow wet.

I kiss him back so passion. I want August in the worst way right now. He broke the kiss. He look me in the eyes smiling. Before I could say anything he pick me up and carried me to my room.

★★★ part two

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