Hello without the O (Hell-O)

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Mentions of sh scars and Injuries

The Glee club was once again sat in the choir room as Mr. Schue wrote the word Hello on the board. I was sitting the back over by Brittney and Santana who were definitely not paying any attention

"Hello." Mr. Schue said as he finished writing, but gained no response. "Hello?" He asks again but this time more like a question, reviving a multitude of hellos back.

"What do you guys say when you answer the phone?" He questions.

"What up?"

"Who this be?"

"No. She's dead. This is her son." The room goes quiet as everyone looks at the Hummel boy.

"Real." I say after a moment receiving a few frowns from multiple people before the teacher continues.

"Okay. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, liked to say 'Ahoy, ahoy' when he answered the phone. It was Edison who decided that 'Hello' was a more appropriate greeting." He pauses.

"Look, I am really proud of what you guys did at sectionals. But as probably most of you realized by now, it hasn't made a bit of difference in your day-to-day life at school."

"I have a slushee-stained training bra to prove it." Rachel states. A training bra? I start to giggle earning a slap to my arm from Santana. Although she was also holding back a laugh her expression turns into a concerned one when I wince at the contact.

"The fact is, we're gonna have to be better, even more spectacular at regionals. It's time for some reinvention some new New Directions. We need a new...Hello." He points to the board as he smiles.

"Here's your assignment for the week. Come up with a fresh number, but it has to have 'Hello' in the song title, all right?" We all look at each other but agree, just then the bell rings causing me to rush out of the room before I'm stopped by a certain Latina.


"Kurt why are you dragging me into the auditorium?" I whine as Kurt is still holding on to my shoulder, my good one luckily.

"Because I am your best friend, and being your best friend also means I notice things. And these are things you need to get off your chest. So you're gonna do your Glee assignment and have a healthier coping mechanism." The boy said as he brings me to the front of the stage before looking in my eyes with a serious look.

"Fine, I guess I have something planned." I sigh

"Yes! I knew it." He giggles and jumps with joy making me shake my head at him but laugh as well.

"Hello?" I look are Kurt with a jokingly look as he smirks at me realizing what song it is.

Are you into me? Like I'm into you?
Do you wanna do the things I wanna do with you?
You're so close, yet so far.
I wonder how you look when your in the dark.

My mind flashes to all the times I've seen Quinn with Puck or Finn, even this morning when I caught her staring at Finn after talking with Puck.

You're just one click away
Click away, click away.
From something real or fake
Real or fake, Real or fake.
You're just one click away
Click away, click away.
From something real or fake
Real or fake, Real or fake.

During this time I look over at Kurt knowing he also felt the same way just about Finn.

You're just one click away
Click away, click away.
From something real or fake
Real or fake, Real or fake.
You're just one click away
Click away, click away.
From something real or fake
Real or fake, Real or fake.

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