Chapter 1 - In the Beginning

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APRIL 23, 1945


2:12 AM

The Assassin was in a hurry. Soviet troops were making short work of Hitler's fanatical SS fueled by a thirst for justice. Millions of Russian citizens had fallen victim to Nazi death squads and millions more to starvation. Still millions more had been killed in battle against what was once the invincible German war machine. Now Hitler's vaunted 'thousand-year Reich' was about to fall. The Russian army controlled almost all of Berlin and now had the Reichstag in its sights. Only the Reichstag, the Fuhrer bunker and a few square miles are what remain of a nation that had conquered nearly all of Europe. Hitler himself had assumed command of what was left of the Army and was personally leading the defense from the Fuhrer bunker.

Since 1939, the Allies struggled to defeat a near unbeatable German Army, Air Force and Navy. Germany somehow had a technological advantage over the Allied powers; it's scientists forging weapons that defied reason. Intelligence agencies had no answer and were left many times fighting a losing battle. But the Brotherhood knew the truth behind Nazi Germany's military success. Hitler was obsessed with the occult and during the 1930s had sent dozens of operatives in search of ancient mystical weapons and sources of power to strengthen his military. Publicly, the Germans were unsuccessful and mocked, but the Assassins gleaned that in some cases he was successful in his quest. It was also learned that he was in league with a powerful unknown and unnamed organization that operated in secret. But this organization the Brotherhood paid little attention to until they began developing weapons that were similar to First Civilization origin. However, the Brotherhood did not focus on defeating this organization, that was left to the Allies. Instead, they focused on recovery.

Knowing that Berlin was about to fall, the European Brotherhood dispatched their best Assassin. He was ordered to find and recover any First Civilization artifacts especially any Pieces of Eden which were suspected to be in German possession. It was the only rational explanation for Nazi technological supremacy over the Allied powers. Just three months prior, seven Assassins died destroying a powerful creation known as 'Die Glocke.' Its energy was that of First Civilization and something otherworldly. Had Die Glocke become operational and deployed, the outcome of the war would be in question. Possibly even leading to a Nazi victory and that was something the Brotherhood could not allow.

As the Assassin quietly moved through the building carefully avoiding guards and detection, he couldn't help but think of the new geopolitical power players that were rising. The British Empire was coming to an end and ironically its former colony was an emerging superpower. The Templars had supported the British for generations, but since the end of the Great War they seemingly disappeared. All traces of them vanished. Now with the United States as the evolving power, he wondered if the Brotherhood's ancient enemy would return and try to influence the young nation.

Finding nothing in the most secure parts of the Reichstag, the Assassin picked up the sound of crates and boxes being loaded into trucks. Quickly moving to the roof, he watched troops in uniforms he did not recognize loading armored trucks. The vehicles did not bear the standard German insignia, but something different something insidious. Opening himself he let his Eagle sense survey the scene and he found what he was looking for. Indeed, they were in possession of a Piece of Eden and it was being worn around the neck of what appeared to be an officer. It mattered not. He had his orders. There was not a soldier in the world who could hope to match the training of an Assassin. He had dedicated his life to the Creed. Not even his wife knew his true occupation only that he travelled often on 'business.' Standing on the edge he readied himself and leapt from the building, his twin hidden wrist blades plunging into the chests of two guards. The officer turned and looked on as the Assassin slowly retracted the blades from the slain guards.

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