Chapter 36: [Two]

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23rd October 1999- Saturday

Harry watched his daughter from his place on the sofa, content to observe as she patted the mat underneath her with clumsy hands.

Alsephina was hitting milestone after milestone now that she was quickly approaching three months, and it made Harry slightly teary seeing her grow out of her tiny newborn stage and begin looking more and more like a baby.

The first time she had smiled at him, all gums and drool, he had burst into tears, which had then set off his daughter. It had all been very embarrassing once he had calmed, but he looked back on the moment with fondness now.

Sipping his tea, Harry chuckled as she focused intently on the bright red spot on the map under her, tracing it with clumsy, stubby fingers. It was fascinating watching her grow and develop, both mentally and physically.

Another exciting development was that Alsephina now seemed to be making sounds with intent. More specifically, hissing sounds that Thomas proudly announced were attempts at speaking, although ineligible.

Her non-Parseltounge babbling was also becoming more common now as well, especially since she could finally recognise him. Even now, she kept on turning her head, lifting it from the map, to stare at him for a few moments, as if making sure he was still there.

Every time, Harry would smile and speak to her, receiving a gummy grin and some sort of response, before Alsephina's attention was once again caught by the mat.

A clatter to the side drew his attention, and he frowned as he spotted June sheepishly holding one of his ornaments.

"Sorry, Your Highness. I knocked it when I was dusting."

"Please take more care with my belongings."

"Yes, Your Highness. My apologies." June placed it back on the shelf, and continued dusting for a few minutes. Harry watched this out of the corner of his eye, noting as she kept glancing at him when she thought Harry was preoccupied.

"June," He called out, catching her attention. "Have you anything to report to me?" Harry questioned. She was still his most prominent source of information, especially for the things not revealed within the daily meetings, and the gossip that was shared around the maids. Many forgot that the Maids and Eunuchs were more valuable in information than even they may be. Most had been within the Court for far longer than Harry, his assigned maids included. Harry was slowly attempting to phase out June's importance and replace her position for Lien, Hannah or his newly gained maid, Lola. With his promotion to Consort, he had gained three more maids, one personal and two assigned. Lola was a new maid that his parents had hired for the sole purpose of sending into the Harem on his next promotion, perhaps a little presumptuous of them. But he was glad to have her. His other two maids, Charlotte and Madison, were still too unknown to trust.

The woman brightened, dusting forgotten. "I do! Ah, I mean, I have discovered some information that may be of interest to you, Your Highness."


"I have heard that Princess Evana has recently been engaged! The Crown Prince of Italy and the First Princess reportedly got along so well at a ball recently that the Princess requested a betrothal directly from the Emperor. The wedding is supposedly to take place next year. How exciting!" June seemed to have forgotten she was relaying information to him, as she grinned. "Oh, I'm sure it will be a marvellous occasion! There's never been a Royal wedding quite like it!"

"I'm thrilled to hear of it," Harry spoke softly, and the woman flinched. "I'm sure Her Highness will be a wonderful bride, and His Majesty will spare no expense in making the day a grand one."

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