Chapter 41: [The Tournament]

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Double update, as I forgot last week :)) Ch.42 will be up soon


8th June 2000- Thursday

The morning brought unexpected and unwanted news, something which shook the Court and sent every Healer scrambling towards the Palace of Noble Beauty. Erin had entered labour in the early hours of the morning, and despite attempts to halt the premature birth, a son to the Emperor had been born at twenty-nine weeks, tiny and sickly.

The boy had yet to be named except for the title of Sixth Prince, moved immediately to the Court hospital and incubated, unseen by anyone but Healers and the Emperor, who had rushed after his son at the screaming insistence of his mother. That's all they had borne witness to; the screams, rushing into the Palace despite there being no need for witnesses for a Noble's labour.

Erin herself wasn't unscathed. She had suffered tremendously during the arduous birth, and was also in the hospital, unconscious, unknowing of her son's fate. He had miraculously been stabilised, but as the concubine was still unconscious, and the newest Prince incredibly weak, the Court was at an impasse.

Jasmine had been by far the most affected, rushing to the Palace once informed of her friend's labour, and being removed from the situation once she had begun impeding on the Healer's attempts to keep the woman stable. Inconsolable since, she had locked herself away in her Palace, with a maid stationed by the Emperor's Palace ready to receive any news.


12th June 2000- Monday

It came as an immense shock in the morning that Erin had requested to have lunch with him in her apartments, sending along one of her maids with a letter for him to read.

The woman had woken up a day after her traumatic and unexpected labour, and after careful observation, had been released from the hospital only yesterday. Her son, however, was still being watched over by Healers obsessively, and no news had come of his condition. Harry supposed that no news was better, as it meant the little Prince was still fighting.

He had heard that Jasmine had already been invited to the Noble's Palace at dawn, and the woman had rushed over, concerned for her dearest friend. She had left hours later, and now it seemed it was Harry's turn. It spoke of how their relationship had evolved in the past months, that he was the second concubine she requested to see.


Erin looked frail where she was sat on the the sofa, dark bags under her eyes relaying her bone-deep exhaustion. No amount of finery could hide her fatigue, and the weak smile she sent his way when Harry entered only exposed that something was seriously wrong.

He waved her attempt to bow away immediately, settling himself next to her with a concerned frown. Her hands in his, which felt small despite having held them only a few days before, he spoke gently. "Sister, I am glad to see you."

The woman made an attempt to laugh, although it came out breathless, a weak thing that lacked real humour. "I am glad to still be here. Thank you for coming, Brother."

"Of course," He hurried to reassure her. "I wouldn't refuse, I am fond of you, and rather concerned."

She grimaced, avoiding his gaze. "There were... complications," Erin murmured, hands clenching his own. "He came too early." She drew in a stuttered breath. "And then," The woman sounded emotional, her voice wavering, and he brushed his thumbs soothingly over her hands. "He got stuck, and the cord wrapped around his throat. They barely- they barely got him out in time, and he's so tiny I still can't believe that he's truly breathing!" Erin babbled, heaving laboriously.

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