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    Japan, the city filled with hope and dreams of multiple people that live within the light of hope. Unknown to them that under the shadows, their lives are being controlled by an unknown organization hell bent on world domination with its tendrils within every sector of the world. A limo was driving at night time with two goverment officials inside the limo. The older gentleman inside the limo was looking out at the wonderful city of Tokyo while the younger gentleman would type on his computer before looking at the older gentleman. "Sensei," the younger man spoke and looked back at the computer, "About tomorrow's meeting with Stark."

    "Yes Nobiko?" the older gentleman looked at the young man.

    "If you go to represent Japan's interest, the economy would change drastically, multiple jobs would open up," Nobiko would continue to say but then the older gentleman just smirked and chuckled. "What is it Sensei?"

    The older gentleman looked at his young friend, "That is what I intend to do. Make more jobs within Japan with no strings attached, so that people would be allowed to live freely," he explained until the car came to a halt. The two were lurched forward but kept their composure as they looked at the left window to see that their limo was covered in webbing. "What the hell?" The older gentleman asked as he started to see something near the lamp post.

    The figure seemed to be hanging off of something as the head resembled a spider while the rest of the body was a human shape. The figure grew four extra arms before a liquid string substance hit the left door. The figure quickly crawled over on the string to the car window and then punched through with one of its arms, choking the old gentle man until a neck snap was heard. Nobiko would shiver in fear as he saw a pair of six eyes glowing green stared down at him. "Hail Hydra," the figure spoke in a robotic voice as if he was speaking through a helmet before the figure crawled in to the limo fully. A scream was heard and then silence as a blood red moon shined above the scene, as a new legacy started and a old shadow organization shows its wicked hand once again.


    Inside an unknown location, several different people were around a round table with the symbol of the World War II Nazi science division known as Hydra were in the middle of the table. "I call this meeting of Hydra in session," a German voice called out as the men and women sat in the table. A black glove came out of the shadows and sat carefully strum the fingers against the table, "Status report of our agents."

    "The research you gave me has been most fruitful," a woman with black hair, brown eyes, and seem to be of Italian decent spoke. "So far, the genetic and cybernetic enhancements for the Augments has held together. Along with nano machines within our agents blood stream which will dissolve them if they are ever captured or killed."

    "Thank you Scientist Supreme," the voice called out. "The status on Spider Augment?"

    An older Asian gentleman in a buisness suit would lean forward as he nodded at the figure shrouded in darkness. "He successfully killed the Japanese minister of Economic affairs and his assistant, Japan is still under the control of Hydra as is the U.S. goverment and parts of Russia."

    A older man, seemingly in his nineties adjusted his glasses and looked to the other members. "Which brings to our next problem," the man spoke in a heavy German accent, "S.H.I.E.L.D is starting to take notice of some of our... activities."

    "Ah...yes..." the voice of the leader of Hydra spoke. "The organization that has been a thorn of our sides since the end of the second World War," the hand went back into the shadows. "Indeed, our spies has confirmed this which may mean we need to create another soldier. One to take the fight to S.H.I.E.L.D's bases and holdings, to destroy their system of communications."

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