Batta Aug-02

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    In a secret training area of Hydra, a few lights were strung around the place as a few Hydra soldiers came forward and the illuminated their armor. A man walked forward to the soldiers as he stayed far back to keep his face shielded in darkness. He grabbed his black jacket and pulled the left side away to reveal a red Typhoon belt around his waist. The center of the piston where the turbines would be at for Shotaro's typhoon was covered with a mechanical skeletal face of a grasshopper with a red R behind the face. The soldiers pulled their weapons out as they pointed it at the man.

    "Commence test of Grasshopper or Batta-Augment Model 02," Zola's voice came through the speakers.

    The man looked up as he whispered, "Henshin," then the cover on the piston quickly went aside to reveal the turbine. The turbines started to spin around and glowed red, the eyes glowed red as well in the darkness before he ran towards the soldiers causing them to open fire.

    The unknown man jumped over the soldiers with a flip, the sound of high pitched winds came over them before they looked over to see a the man turned into a Rider suit similar to Shotaro's but had light green gloves, boots, armor plates on his chest, light green stripes on his arms going up to the neck line while the shoulder pads stay black. The new Rider quickly performed a 360 kick, crushing the soldier's head with his foot as he landed on the ground facing the soldiers. The helmet was a lighter shade of green too, red eyes, a silver mouth plate, and a silver stripe going from the middle of the helmet and to the back. The Augment kept his face forward as he slowly balled his left fist, the leader crinkled as his fingers slowly rolled into a fist. He then punched the soldier to the left before delivering a superman punch downwards at another soldier, killing both instantly.

    The last soldier pulled out a knife and went forth to kill the Augment as part of the test but then the Augment grabbed the soldiers wrist. He did squeeze the soldiers wrist and felt as all the bones crumbled in his hands. The soldier pleaded for mercy as the others that were with him are now dead. The Augment lifted his helmet to await instructions but then he nodded. He let the wrist go before delivering a swift kick to the stomach of the soldier, cutting him in half with the stregnth and speed of his left leg.

    The Augment looked down at his left leg as it was covered with the blood and several remains of organs stained his boot. He just shook part of it off as he then walked into the darkness, his boots clacking against the marble of the floor. The door in front of him opened to shine in light against the new Augment as he left the gory room as the remains of those that lived filled its space. With an eerie silence as the door slowly shut behind Batta-Aug: 02.


    Shotaro smiled as he waves at a few friends to see them off as he went to the Cyclone. It has been almost two months since the incident at the school and Hydra's last fight with Shotaro. He was hoping that Hydra was now gone but a uneasy feeling at the pit of his stomach told him otherwise. He swung his leg around his bike before putting his helmet on as Professor Masu came out to see him off.

    "Going back home Shotaro?"

    Shotaro looked up at his professor, "Might as well Sensei, nothing has happened for two months so what would be the point to do a patrol tonight?" He asked as he turned the Cyclone on.

    "You have a point," Masu stated as he just nodded at his young friend. "Well, just please be careful," he said as he patted Shotaro on the shoulder.

    Shotaro gave him a thumbs up before revving the engine. "Got it Sensei," he said with a smile before driving off and away from the University grounds.

    Shotaro wanted to have the feeling of security, even though he knew better, he missed the aspect of living life like he was still human. To go to Karaoke, and hang out with people without worrying if he will break something on accident. He shook his head as he started to weave in and out of traffic like he always do. Unknown to him that a silhouette of a man on his own Cyclone watched Shotaro ride off.

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