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    Shotaro continued to drive the bike on a road against a mountain, his red eyes looked up and saw that the skies were filled with clouds and not a single break to bring in the light he was definitely missing. He would then slow down and come to a stop on the road as he took in a deep breath, he let go of the right handle to look at his mutated hand. He closed his hand into a fist while seeing the grasshopper skeletal structure poking through with several insect hairs on his fingers. "What do I do now?" he whispered to himself before hearing something behind him, he then slowly turned his head over his shoulder to see a big semi truck coming after him. "Crap!" he yelled as he grabbed the right handle, faced forward, and sped through the road.

    He turned on the road while somehow not bumping into the railing as the Semi would bump against the side of the mountain and sparks flew across the railing. Shotaro narrowed his eyes as the turbine on his belt would start to spin as the wind hit the bike and Shotaro's body. "The wind..." he whispered as he looked around as he saw wind patterns with brilliant greens, pinks, purples, and blues, before he looked back at the truck. "I can hear the wind, feel its power," he said as he just looked forward.

    Shotaro narrowed his eyes on the road as his eyes started to glow a brighter red. He then saw a car pile up which caused his eyes to widen, "No, no, no," he said as he turn the bike and quickly went to its side. Then an explosion enveloped the bike and Shotaro's body for a moment, only for the bike to be flung from the explosion and to the forrest at the bottom of the mountain. The semi would slow to a stop as a few Hydra soldiers came out of the truck before going down to the forrest to investigate the bike as well as see if the body of Shotaro was down there. From the rear of the semi, the door opened to reveal a man wearing a black and red stripped jacket with multiple zipped up pockets, several tubes coming out of the shoulders and back to the upper arm before one goes to the top wrist of hands, the light hit the head to show a helmet with three eye holes on either side. The top of the helmet had tubes coming out to show the shape of a spider, the bottom of the helmet had two gas masks nodules on the mask.


    The soldiers and the commander found the bike but no fragments of Shotaro while the soldiers went back to the person with the Spider helmet, "The escape hybrid is not here, no body, no limbs, nothing Spider," the soldier responded. The other soldiers slowly looked at eachother before lowered the head at the bike, knowing what was to come. Spider slowly turned his head towards the soldier that gave the report as the eye holes glowed green, the augment would quickly raise his right hand and grabbed the neck of the soldier. Spider Aug gently squeezed the neck of the soldier as a quick snap was heard, the Augment threw the body of the dead soldier at the tree which broke the branch.

    Spider-Aug would look at the others as the eyes stopped glowing. "Find him," he spoke in a German accent, "Do not come back until you find him alive or dead," he ordered as he would turn around. Putting his hands behind his back for a moment until they all heard a sharp whistle of the hand coming above them. They all turned around to see the silhouette of a man. "Nevermind," he spoke as the figure would jump up and Spider-Aug noticed that the figure went high into the sky and coming back down fast.

    Spider would do a back flip and landed on his knees with his left hand on the ground as dirt, leaves, and some rocks flew in the sky for a moment. When the dust settled they were all shocked to what they saw, which was probably Shotaro but with a suit on his body. The suit was leather all around, the Typhoon belt was on the outside of the suit and around the waist, the shoulder had black shoulder pads which almost faded within the black leather suit. Dark green leather gloves that started at the forearm with several dark green armor planting on the gloves, dark green boots at the feet, and dark green chest plates at the front of the suit with other dark green armor plating that stopped above the belt. With a red scarf around his neck, causing it to stand out from the other dark colors of the suit itself. The helmet was similar to a light blue motorcycle helmet with two silver attenas poking up from the forehead of the helmet, two oval redish pink eyes on either side with tear like engravings under the eyes, the mouth plate was similar to the mouth of a grasshopper in the same color as the gloves and boots.

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