Rider Number 2

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    At the warehouse, Hydra soldiers were guarding Professor Masu with their guns ready to fire incase Batta-Aug 02 would fail and if Kamen Rider came to try and rescue his precious Professor. The soldiers looked at the opening in the warehouse as the sound of a Cyclone came in from the distance. Gentaro on his Cyclone drove through the opening and came to a halt, he kicked out the kickstand and got up. He took his helmet off and placed it on the left handle, he swung his leg around to get both feet planted on the cement floor.

    Gentaro approached the soldiers and they would perform a Nazi salute to him. He didn't return it which caused a few of the soldiers to look at eachother, "Kamen Rider is dealt with," he stated in a matter of fact tone. "Let the old man go, there's no reason to keep him as a hostage."

    The Hydra soldiers looked at eachother before the leader would approach Gentaro, "That's not standard procedure, he should die."

    "For what purpose? With the traitor dead, no one will believe him," Gentaro pointed out as he felt uneasy about this entire situation.

    The leader would quickly pointed a gun at Gentaro's chest, but then the young augment would quickly knock the gun into the air before ramming his fist through the leader's chest. "He is betraying us!" the other Hydra soldiers shouted as they fired upon Gentaro.

    "Danm it," Gentaro would whisper before holding the shoulder via some of the muscles and flesh of the soldier he just killed since his fist was still through the leader. He held the corpse infront of him as the bullets went through the body and hit a few places across Gentaro's body. The bullets only caused bruised streaks acrossed his cheek and a few places on his body.

    Gentaro threw the body down as the Typhoon belt would appear on his waist as his eyes glowed red. "Henshin," he whispered before he jumped and transformed into his armor before punching a Soldier's head off, blood coming from the neck. Pouring down as the body slumps over and the bullet start to bounce from the armor and other parts of the suit. He would turn around and started to run at them, before hitting the soldier with his knee causing a snap and blood come out of the back as the soldier would be launched through a wall. Gentaro turned around to Masu, walking up to him before breaking the binds around his waist and wrists.

    "I'm here to get you out, now let's go," he ordered before he got on the Cyclone and reved the engine.

    Masu tilted his head for a moment before he would get on the Cyclone, "I'm guessing Shotaro was able to remind you of your humanity."

    "Not exactly... he should've killed me."

    Masu held onto the bike as the two would drive away from the warehouse. "Why would you say that?"

    "It would've been better than living with the knowledge that I killed my family," Gentaro whispered as they were a few miles away when a explosion went behind him. He stopped the bike and put his left foot down before looking behind him. "Whoever was left in there... deserved it," he stated darkly before driving away with Masu. Keeping him safe as much as he can on the way to Shotaro's location.


    Gentaro was back in his normal form as he drove up to the University as Shotaro leaned against his own Cyclone, rubbing his arm. Gentaro slowed down and stopped the bike to let Masu step off; the professor would hug his friend before turning to look at Gentaro. "Thank you Gentaro-san," he said before bowing to the now free adult.

    "Don't thank me," Gentaro said as he would look away. "I was the one who kidnapped you in the first place, remember?"

    Shotaro out his hand on Masu's shoulder, "It wasn't you, that was Hydra and their brainwashing."

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