Chapter 2: S01E02: Erica's Birthday

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Disclaimer: I own nothing other than some oc's I'm going to be adding later and the changed plotline.

Author's Note: Firstly, I decided to change some of the scenes because some of them won't fit with certain stuff I have planned.

Secondly, I realized I wanted to make it somewhat more serious than in the original That '70s Show because there some stuff that should've been talked about more. Like when Casey Kelso recommended to Fez to sexually assault Big Rhonda and how Red treated Eric. Like Red is one of the best TV dad's out there but he does, probably without realizing it, treat Eric badly at times. And there's so much more.

Thirdly, I wanna add some characters that only showed up in the show once or a certain amount of times to become apart of the the story, as some of its main characters. Along with the basement gang.

That's all of my notes for now. Have fun reading this chapter!

Warning: Implied child abuse, implied child neglect, implied pedophilia, homophobia, racism, sexism, sexual harassment, suggested rápë and sexual content.

Everyone sat around the basement, eyes glued to the TV. Fez sat in the lawn chair, Kelso and Erica on the couch, Donnie on the floor at Erica's feet. Hyde sat in his usual chair, Jackie on his lap, playing with his fingers and the sleeves of his hippy shirt.

Hyde's lips curled, "Does it bother anyone else that these women live in Hooterville?"

"Technically, Petticoat Junction lives down the track from Hooterville," Erica said.

"Okay," Hyde said snidely, "Does it bother anyone else that these women live down the track from Hooterville?"

"It bothers me that they bathe in the town water tank," Donnie said, eyes widened in disgust at the TV.

"With the dog," Kelso added.

"It isn't the drinking water, it is the water for the train," Jackie explained in her normal 'duh' voice.

"It's still three naked women and a dog," Donnie quipped.

"I wish I were the Hooterville dog," Fez exclaimed, awe in his voice, not noticing the look Donnie shot him.

"Yoo-hoo!" Kitty's voice called from the stairs, "Coming down!"

Jackie immediately shot up from Hyde's lap, knowing how Mrs. Forman reacts to public displays of affection.

"Don't mind me, just putting some clothes in the wash," Kitty added, setting the laundry basket on the washing machine.

"Erica, honey," She said, pulling out a dress that would be considered too fancy for a night in Point Place, "You should wear this for your birthday, it's nice, you look so beautiful in it."

"Why would I wanna dress nice on my birthday," Erica questioned slowly, already knowing what her mother was planning.

"It's your birthday?" Kelso asked.

"You've been friends with her for how long, Kelso?" Jackie questioned snottily, placing her hands on Hyde's shoulders.

"Oh, you never know what's going to happen on your birthday," Kitty said happily, not realizing how obvious she was being.

"Mom. Mom. Do not throw a party for me," Erica said sternly.

"Well listen to Miss Popularity, like I have time to plan you a party," Kitty said with her signature laugh, "Oh, and your sister's coming home from college for the weekend. For no reason. At all," She quipped before heading back up the stairs.

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