Chapter 8: S01E08: The Drive In

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Disclaimer: I own nothing other than some oc's I'm going to be adding later and the changed plotline.

Notes: Firstly, there isn't really any of the warnings in this chapter but they will later, in way later chapters or a few after this one.

Secondly, I'm also going to make a girlfriend for Kelso that'll be one of the main characters in this series. I'm not going to give him a character from the show because it just doesn't feel right with the story. Another thing about Kelso, now this one is a headcanon, but he's going to already be a manwhore because I always felt like he would've been one in the beginning because they said he cheated on Jackie a lot, and it's said with a lot of women we didn't even get to see on the show.

Thirdly, I'm very sorry I haven't been writing or updating that much. I need to make a schedule for updating the story. Also I'm going to be adding the warning that's on this chapter to all the other chapters I did before this one and after this one.

P.s. I know Anne Hathaway has brown eyes but pretend she has blues because the original Erica (Eric) has/had blue eyes.

Warning: Implied child abuse, implied child neglect, implied pedophilia, homophobia, racism, sexism, sexual harassment, suggested rápë and sexual content.

"That's right, one hundred bags of manure," Donnie said into the phone with a false British accent, "Yeah, the wife and I are redoing the front lawn. And, uh, tell ya what, if I'm not there, just dump it all on the front porch. Bye-bye." He waited for the other person to hang up before smirking, sticking his tongue out and holding his fingers above his head to create devil horns.

"Yeah, man, Coach Jefferson is gonna freak," Hyde smirked from his usual chair.

"Yeah, well," Donnie scowled, sitting on the back of the couch above Kelso, who was laying on his back and reading the newspaper, "He just shouldn't have given me that D, I'm the most intelligent person in that class. Like, come on, man." He ranted off, sounding genuinely upset and offended. (I tried to keep it in character for Donnie/Donna because the original definitely would've been like that, if it happened to her |Donna|.)

"Oh no," Fez whimpered from the lawn chair, lowering his own newspaper, "Dick Grayson is trapped in a giant clam... Farewell sweet Dick." He pouted into his newspaper, not noticing the odd looks he received.

"A man being eaten by a giant clam," Hyde saide, with a strange expression on his face, "Now, I'm not Sigmund Froyd but-" He stooped, making a hand gesture with a 'really?' look etched on his face.

"Donnie," Kelso suddenly sat up, "The Omen's playing at the drive-in. You know what this means for us? It's make out city."

"I...... really like you as a friend, Kelso," Donnie said sarcastically while rolling his eyes, "Can I bring a girl?"

"Yeah," Kelso said, not noticing the sarcasm from Donnie, "Man, it's gonna be great. Horror movies turn on chicks faster than porno."

"Really?" Hyde said, giving Kelso a stupid look, "Faster than that?"

"Yeah," Kelso said, quite seriously, "If only someone'd make a porno horror movie."

"Oh, then there'd be no stopping you," Donnie smirked, chuckling quietly, "And who are you even gonna take, Kelso? You and Sheila aren't together anymore."

"Yeah, thanks for that, Fez," Kelso said, giving Fez a look, he only pouted, burying his face deeper into his newspaper, "But I'm good. I can invite Pam Macy, she's got a car. And she'd do it with anybody."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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