Chapter 6: S01E06: The Keg

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Disclaimer: I own nothing other than the oc's that'll be added later and the changed plotline.

Author's Note: I know that I really haven't changed much scenes but scenes will be changed just not right now. I would also like to add Donnie and Erica will be having better communication than Donna and Eric.

Warning: Implied child abuse, implied child neglect, implied pedophilia, homophobia, racism, sexism, sexual harassment, suggested rápë and sexual content.

Jackie giggled when Steven playfully pushed her into the seat, covering her mouth with his own after he closed the door. He had convinced her to cut class, picking the lock on the backseat of Erica's Cruiser before kissing her deeply. He was a bad influence; before she met him, she never cut class, or snuck out, or skinny dipped. She had a reputation, after all. But Steven made her want to do these things; she wanted to be able to impress him, to keep him interested, and she was delightful that it seemed to work, too.

She moaned softly, running her hands through his hair when he slid his tongue over hers, moving a hand up her red shirt and khaki vest. She arched her back, gripping the back of his shirt when he cupped a breast through her bra, giving it a gentle squeeze.

They both jumped, Hyde tensing up when the front doors suddenly opened, the sound of laughter following. They felt the car shake when Donnie and Erica took their seats, slamming the doors shut and starting the car.

Hyde pulled his hand from Jackie's shirt, helping her straighten out her clothes and hair before sitting up, "Why are we moving?"

Erica and Donnie released startled yelps, turning their attention to them as Jackie sat up as well, running a hand down her hair.

"Hyde!" Erica somewhat yelled, "You're in my car! Why're you in my car!?... Wait, how did you get in my car?"

"It's Hyde, Erica, do you really hafta ask?" Donnie smirked before taking in Jackie's flushed face, teasing "Did you have fun?" Jackie threw him a nasty look, but Hyde smirked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "I had loads of fun." Jackie smacked his chest, pouting.

"Hey, why're you guys here, anyway?" Hyde asked, leaning back in his seat, Jackie resting against him with crossed arms.

"I cut class," Erica smiled proudly.

"... No, seriously, was there a fire drill?" Hyde asked Donnie.

"Hey, I ditched class before," Erica said indignantly.

"Awww, I think Oppie's getting mad, Steven," Jackie cooed, making Hyde snicker.

"Hey, what'd I tell you about callin' me Oppie?"

"Oppie, look out for that keg in the middle of the road!"

"Whoa." - Erica

"It's a keg." - Hyde

"Of beer." - Donnie

"It must be a sign." - Hyde

"Of beer... Oh, that's it, I'm cuttin' class every day." - Erica

Jackie just rolled her eyes.

"Where did you find it?" Fez asked in awe as he watched Kelso and Hyde carry the keg to the basement shower. Donnie, Erica, and Jackie stood next to him, moving out of the way to give Hyde and Kelso room.

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