Chapter 4

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Waking up on a sunny Saturday after the crazy party, Dad nudges me gently.

"Hey, sweetie, made you breakfast," he says, smiling, and places a tray with pancakes and fresh fruit beside my bed.

I rub my eyes, still a bit groggy from the party. "Thanks, Dad! You're the best."

We chat about the party and share a few laughs while digging into breakfast. But our little morning bliss is cut short when Dad's phone rings with some work emergency.

"Sorry, pumpkin, gotta head to the office. Something urgent," he says, looking apologetic.

I understand, nodding. "It's okay, Dad. We'll catch up later i love you."

Dad gives me a quick hug and promises to make it up to me. As he rushes off to work, I sigh but continue savoring the delicious breakfast, knowing that these family moments, however short, are always precious.

With a surge of excitement, I fumble for my phone and dial Luna's number. The anticipation of an illegal race tingles through my veins.

"Luna, you won't believe what's happening. There's a race tonight, and my dad won't be home until late. We have to do this!" I whisper hurriedly into the phone, the thrill of the idea making my heart race.

Luna's voice crackles through the line, "Amaya, are you serious? That sounds insane! Where's the race?"

I lower my voice, as if someone might overhear, "It's on the outskirts, near the old warehouse. We've got to seize this chance, Luna. It's now or never!"

A moment of hesitation passes before Luna responds, "Okay, Amaya. Let's do it. But promise me we'll be careful. I don't want us getting into serious trouble."

"I promise, Luna. We'll be like shadows on the road. Just imagine the adrenaline rush!" I exclaim, my excitement matching hers.

As I hang up, the thrill of the impending race courses through me. The night holds the promise of speed, danger, and the kind of freedom that only the open road can provide.

Luna and I reach the spot near the old warehouse, and there's a lot of people and loud engines. It looks exciting.

When we get to the entrance, a big guy is standing there. I lean in and confidently say, "Redbull." He nods, and we can go inside.

Inside, it's all buzzing with noise and colorful lights. Luna and I are ready for whatever comes our way.

We see a guy known for being really good at racing. We nod at each other, understanding that we're about to race against one of the best.

Luna and I line up next to the skilled racer. The air is buzzing with excitement as we get ready for the race.

At the starting line, everyone gets quiet. The flag drops, and our engines roar. Luna and I speed off into the dark, chasing the excitement of racing against one of the city's best.we speed off, following the bright trail the leader leaves. The road blurs as we go around the corners.

The skilled racer is fast, showing off his tricks. Luna and I share determined looks, silently saying we want to beat one of the best.

In the race, the track with colorful lights is like a playground. Luna and I stick together, going as fast as we can. The crowd cheers, and the engines roar, making everything feel super exciting.

As we reach the end, all three of us are really close. The skilled racer tries hard, but Luna and I find that extra burst of speed, passing him just before the finish line.

The checkered flag waves, telling us the race is done. Luna and I share big smiles, proud that we beat one of the best racers in the city. The night, once full of unknowns, now feels like a win on the road.

Celebrations echo around us as the skilled racer, to our surprise, approaches with a friendly grin. "Congrats, you two! That was an awesome race. You've got skills," he exclaims, extending a hand for a shake. Luna and I, expecting a different reaction, exchange wide-eyed looks but gladly accept the unexpected praise.

Amid the shared joy, my phone buzzes with a message from Dad. The words bring an unexpected twist to our night, "Amaya, come home now. You're in trouble." The abrupt shift in mood sends a wave of concern through me.

I share the message with Luna, and our elation takes a back seat to the new urgency. The skilled racer, sensing the change, pats my shoulder in a reassuring manner before fading into the neon-lit crowd.

As we head home, anxiety gnaws at me. "Amaya, I think he found out about the race," Luna whispers. My jaw drops. "Girl, no, he can't know. He'll make me regret it. I'm scared," I confess.

Luna tries to comfort me, saying, "Don't worry; nothing bad could happen." Despite her reassurance, fear tightens its grip on me. We finally arrive at my house, and I ask Luna to go home.

With my keys in hand, I cautiously open the door and find my dad standing there. "Well, well, well. Where have you been?" he asks in a low voice.

"At Luna's place," I mumble, avoiding eye contact. "Don't lie, Amaya! Now tell me where you've been," he shouts angrily. I've never seen him this mad.

"I... I was at Luna's," I lie again, fear intensifying. "I hate it when people lie. Tell me the truth. Where have you been?" he demands in a cold tone. The decision looms - should I lie again or confess?

"Okay, fine! I was racing tonight!" I yell, unable to contain the truth any longer. He stares at me with a stern expression.

"Is this how I raised you, Amaya? You keep behaving badly. I did everything to keep you safe, but now you put yourself in danger," he says.

I feel bad now, but come on. "Sorry, Dad, I won't do it again. How did you even know?" I say, apologizing.

He looks at me and gives an 'are you serious' look. "I have people everywhere, Amaya, and now go to your room."

I walk to my room, lie down on my bed, and pull my phone from my pocket. Immediately, I text Luna.

 Immediately, I text Luna

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In Chapter 4, Amaya is no longer allowed to race, but will she listen to her father?
Instagram: zeyyfr1

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