Chapter 10

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Waking up in my bed, I'm gripped by the memories of last night's chaos. The echoes of gunshots and Dante's protective hold won't fade. Why did i break down in front of him well i cant dont anyrhing about it anyway because who wouldn't cry after an attack after we went home we found out who the attackers was it was the ukrainen they're still after us and omg when Dante hold me he hold me for a good 15 minutes damn thats crazy i thought he was all heartless and all i dont know if i should get up and tell luna i really wanna forget about yesterday

I grab my phone, fingers trembling, and dial Luna's number. The urgency in my voice breaks through as she answers. "Luna, we need to meet. Something happened at the dinner, and I can't keep it to myself," I say, the echoes of the night's chaos still ringing in my mind. Luna's curiosity sparks through the phone, and we arrange to meet in 1 hour.

I get out of bed and head downstairs for breakfast, noticing the empty house. It seems like I have the place to myself. While preparing breakfast, I decide to scroll through Instagram. As I browse, I come across Aya's friend Stella's profile. I go to her page and find a photo with Dante. Oh shit, what did I stumble upon? They're probably dating, but since when? A pang of jealousy hits me, although I shouldn't be feeling this way.

Luna and I meet at our favorite lunch spot. We order some drinks and a cake.

"So, how was the dinner?" Luna asks me with a smile on her face. Nervously, I reply, "Um, are you ready?"

She responds, "Yeah, what's the tea?"

I take a deep breath and say, "Okay, so we went to the dinner, right? Remember the three mafia families that would be there? Guess who was there."

Luna looks at me, confused. "Mhmm, I don't know, just say it," she says with no patience.

I continue, "Freaking Dante, and wait, before you say something, Dante and Arya are siblings. Yeah, and let me add something. We were eating, and suddenly there were gunshots. All I wanted was to go to my father's way, but before I could, Dante pulls me with him to a safe room. Then, someone was after us, and Dante killed the men in front of me. I was so shocked that I started to break down. Believe it or not, this boy hugged me. Can you believe it?" I say, now out of breath.

Luna gasps, her eyes wide with shock, uncertain how to respond. "No way! Are you okay, girl? Why didn't Arya mention they were siblings? If they're siblings, that means she's also in the mafia, isn't she?" Luna asks. Disbelief in her voice.

"You're right, and I think Dante and Stella are dating. Look, I found a picture of them together," I say,

showing the image. A twinge of jealousy hits me; it was supposed to be me. Luna responds with empathy, "OMG, nah, I don't wanna be a hater, but you would look better with him, and Stella is giving me a mean girl vibe." If Stella decides to be a mean girl to one of us, I'll show her what a mean girl is.

"What should I do?" I ask Luna, She takes a thoughtful sip of her coffee before responding, "I think you should have a conversation with him. We're going to Arya's house next week, and Dante will be there. Just because Stella and him took a picture together doesn't mean they're together."

Luna's advice strikes a chord, offering a glimmer of hope. "Let's forget about this and go out tonight. There's a house party hosted by Damien. We should go," I suggest, a sense of anticipation in my tone. Luna nods in agreement, and we head to her house, a grand mansion all to herself. Upon arriving, we make our way to her room.

"Okay, so I'm picking what you'll wear tonight, and I'll also do your makeup," Luna says, infusing a touch of excitement into the plan.

As we get ready, Luna selects a beautiful dress that will complement my figure perfectly. She skillfully does my makeup and chooses a stylish outfit for me. We walk to Luna's car, and she takes the wheel. The car ride isn't too long as Damien's house is nearby. After a short drive, we arrive, and the house is packed with a lot of people. We enter to find a lively scene-people dancing, twerking, and kissing. The music is blasting, and I can't help but worry that the police might show up. If they do, we could all end up in jail

"Let's get some drinks later, let's dance!" Luna yells over the music. We follow her lead, and I start twerking on Luna. With each shake, my dress rides up, and I have to pull it down. As we dance, I spot Stella. "What's Stella doing here?" I ask Luna. She replies, "Now, what the hell is Dante doing here, girl? At this point, he's everywhere." Luna's observation hits home; every time I turn around, Dante seems to be there.

As I glance at Stella, I see her walking toward Dante. She sits on his lap, whispers something in his ear, and then looks at me, starting to kiss him. The confusion and frustration build up as I try to process what i just saw did she just really kiss him.

She's doing it on purpose, what a bitch. I look away because I'm not supposed to care. Why do I feel jealous? I don't want to like him. "Amaya, you alright?" Luna asks. I nod and reply, "He really wants to start with me, Luna, watch this." I walk to the table and start dancing, trying to spot him. There he is, his eyes dark and intimidating. I don't care about him; I just start dancing on the table and shaking that ass.

Suddenly, I feel someone pulling me away from the table. I almost fall to the ground, and when I look up, it's Lucas. What the heck does he want? "Let me go, dickhead!" I yell at him. He really has to leave me alone. He drags me to a hallway where no one can see us.

"Lucas, stop! You're hurting me. Let me go!" I yell at him while he still holds my wrists. "No, just give me one chance. I didn't do anything wrong. You're taking it too personally, but it's not," he says. What is he saying? Does his ears hear what he just said? Who is he trying to manipulate?

"No, just leave me alone. How many times do I have to tell you? Let go of m-" I say but couldn't finish my sentence. A deep, attractive voice interrupts me, and it's Dante. "She clearly wants you to leave her alone," Dante says. I feel like he will kill him.

"If he doesn't leave me alone, are you gonna do something about it?" Lucas shoots back. Did I hear that right? Oh, this won't end well for Lucas. I look at Dante, and he pulls out his gun, shooting Lucas in the feet. Lucas is now bleeding, screaming, and crying while Dante continues firing. Dante holds me and walks away. We head outside the house, and I'm bewildered by why he's acting like nothing happened.

"Why did you help me?" I ask him, confused. "He was hurting you, Angelo," he replies. I look at him, questioning why he would care. "Why do you care? Don't you have a girlfriend? What's her name again, Stella?" I shoot back. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "She's just a weird sidehoe who thinks we have something, but I don't care about her," Dante says. Do I believe him? No.

After a while, I get a call from Luna, but it's not her; it's one of her friends who says that Luna is drunk, and they will take her home. That means I have to walk. "I gotta go," I tell Dante. "Okay, I'll drop you home," he says. I don't even discuss it with him, hoping it's not on his motorcycle. Dante drops me home, and I go straight to bed. What a night. I hope Lucas won't do anything.

Y'all, Chapter 10 is out now and its now January 20th. I have exams, and I'm trying to write one chapter every day. Make sure to follow me on Instagram: zeyyfr1

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