Chapter 13 🌶️

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Arriving late to school, I found that all the seats were taken, except one - next to Dante. The sinking feeling in my stomach grew as I reluctantly took the only available seat. i walk to him he sits in the back of the class.

I keep playing with my hands. I do that when I'm nervous. Why the fuck do I have to sit next to him? I hate my life. "Stop fucking playing with your hands." He says the fuck is wrong with him. He probably hasn't had a good day. I ignore and still keep playing with my fingers. His cold hands hold my fingers. I look at him, hoping he will stop. He takes my fingers to my panties, and I'm wet, so wet he is fingering me with my own fingers.

my thumb rubbing against my swollen clit. I have now had two fingers inside me pumping a few times, and there i am cumming in the fucking class. A tear escaped me. He looks at me with a smirk. "You liked that, didn't you?" He says I don't even know what to say anymore. "Miss, can I go to the bathroom?" The teacher lets me go, and I walk to the bathroom, where I wash my hands, my legs start to shake i wait for a moment and go back to the class. When I came back, the class was already over.

After school, I approached Dante. "Dante, we need to talk. You've got to stop with your messed-up behavior. It's not okay."

Dante, with a cruel smirk, locked eyes with me. "What's the matter, Amaya? Can't handle a bit of excitement? You're such a drama queen."

My frustration grew. "This is serious, Dante. You can't keep treating me like this."

He scoffed, a toxic blend of arrogance and disdain in his tone. "Why not? You act like you don't secretly love it. Amaya."

A surge of anger overcame me. "You're sick, Dante."

He leaned in, his smirk intensifying. "Maybe you're just too naive to handle the real world, Amaya. Lighten up, we both know you like it."

In our usual spot at the park, Luna looked exhausted, like the world had been heavy on her shoulders. I couldn't help but notice.

"Hey, Luna. What's going on?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

Luna sighed deeply, "It's been a living nightmare since my parents showed up. They forced me into this engagement, and now I'm stuck living under their control."

My worry grew, "Luna why didn't you tell me from the beginning i could help you sooner we could escape. Can you tell me more about what happened?"

Luna went on to share the whole ordeal - the forced living arrangements, the guy she didn't like, and the overbearing control her parents had.

I shook my head in disbelief, "I can't fucking believe they're treating you like this. We've got to find a way to help you, Luna."

Luna nodded, "I feel trapped, Amaya. I don't know what to do, but I can't keep living like this."

Sitting there in our peaceful park spot, we began brainstorming together, trying to figure out a way to navigate Luna out of the difficult situation she found herself in.

Luna and I were having a good time at the park, sitting on the grass and soaking up the sunshine. Laughter echoed around us, making the day feel light and carefree.

Then, my phone buzzed with a message, and when I checked, it turned out the teacher paired me up with Dante for our next project. I groaned and told Luna, "Guess who I have to work with? Dante. This can't be good."

Just as I was processing this, another message popped up, this time from Dante. "Meet at my place tonight for the project. Don't be late." A chill ran down my spine.

I shared the news with Luna, a mix of frustration and worry on my face. "I can't believe this. Now i have to meet at Dante's tonight. Ugh, this project is starting to feel like a nightmare."

As Luna and I said our goodbyes at the park, I headed towards Dante's place for the project. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow on the neighborhood.

Arriving at Dante's doorstep, I took a deep breath before ringing the bell. The door opened, and my eyes widened at the unexpected sight - Dante stood there with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

For a moment, I found myself captivated by the sight of his toned abs and muscles. Oh fuck me now.

Then, with a sudden realization, I snapped back to reality, feeling a flush of embarrassment. "Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to... um, distract you," I stammered.

Dante smirked, seemingly unfazed. "No worries. Let's get started on the project."

He leads me to his room, and upon entering, I notice it's entirely black. Surprisingly, it doesn't look bad; in fact, it's rather stylish. We sit on his bed, and he's finally wearing a shirt.

"Where do we start?" I ask.

"Am I supposed to know that?" he replies with an odd mood.

I look at my phone and see a text from my old friend Ares. It's been a long time since we last talked. I remember how we used to eat tacos after school and just hang out. Just when I was about to respond, Dante snatched my phone and ran through his room.

"Give my phone back!" I yell at him, attempting to jump and retrieve it. In the struggle, we end up falling onto his bed, with me now on top of him.

"Amaya, be honest. How bad do you want to fuck with me now?" he asks, real bad but i obviously wont say that.

I try to retrieve my phone from his grasp, and now we're in a position where I'm sitting on him. The desire to do more crosses my mind, but he's my friend's brother, and that feels weird.

"Are you gonna answer me or still sit on me?" he says. Realizing the situation, I quickly get off him and take my phone. "Listen, don't play, Dante. Let's just finish the project," I say, irritated.

After a while of working on the project, there's a knock on the door, almost breaking it. "Who is it?" I ask, but Dante doesn't say anything; he just opens the door. "Stella, get the fuck out! How did security even let you in?" he exclaims.

I hear the door closing, and Dante returns to his room upstairs. Unable to resist, I ask, "Dante, what does she actually want from you?"

He responds angrily, "Why the fuck do you care what she wants or not? It's my problem, isn't it, Angelo?" His sudden change in demeanor leaves me bewildered.

"Why do you act like this? One time you're nice, and the other time you're being a jerk," I say, frustrated with his unpredictable behavior.

"I don't know what you're doing to me, Angelo," he replies.

"I gotta go; it's getting late. We can finish it tomorrow. Bye," I say, walking out of his house before he can say anything.

I arrive home, and the house is silent, with only a dim lamp in the living room. As I tiptoe through the darkness, I can hear the subtle sounds of the fridge and the creaking floor. It's a calm moment, a break from the busyness.

Closing the door to my room, the moonlight seeps through the curtains, creating a soothing glow. My bed, with its familiar sheets, beckons me.

With a sigh of relief, I slip under the covers, feeling the softness of my pillow. The day's weight starts to lift, and as I settle into bed, my eyes gradually close.

Chapter 13 is getting kinda weird with Dante acting a bit strange and having mood swings. Anyway, I've decided to write a book for Luna because she deserves one. I'm also thinking about writing another book after finishing this one and Luna's. Let me know if there are any mistakes 💕💕

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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