Chapter 20

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I sat in shock as she listened to my father's words.
I couldn't believe what i was hearing. My fucking father, the man i looked up to and adored, had just admitted to killing Victor with out me. The man who had kidnapped me and tried to kill me. I feel relief ed that i'm safe again, but also sad i wanted to kill that men with my own hands.

My father, a prominent and respected businessman, had always been a kind and loving father to me and my brothers. He had always taught us the importance of honesty and integrity. So for him to confess to do this without me is difficult did he thought i was too emotional to kill someone.

But my father explained that he did it to protect the family. He had received threats from Victor, who wanted to take over to kill us all and would stop at nothing to do so. He had tried to handle it legally, but when that didn't work, he resorted to more drastic measures. He assured me that he had done everything in his power to keep our family safe.

My brothers, who had been listening in on the conversation, weren't really shocked. They totured victor four hours without me i'm low key mad at them for that. Our father had taken matters into his own hands and killed him but thats okay it's the mafia. But we understood his actions and knew that he had done it out of love for his family.

As the truth sank in, my brothers realized that they had to say goodbye to me. They had been living in the country illegally and with the recent turn of events, they knew they had to leave and go back to Italy. It was a bittersweet moment as they hugged me and promised to keep in touch.

My father assured me that everything will be okay and that they will find a way to be together again. But for now, they had to part ways for the safety of their family. Tears streaming down my face, i said goodbye to all my brothers and watched as they left for business again.

As i sat alone in my deadass room, u couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by everything that had happened. Im relieved that i am safe again, but also sad because my brothers had to leave the country for bussines again. But i knew that my father had done what he thought was best for our family and i love my father for that.

I am grateful to finally be back home, but there was one person I was longing to see more than anyone else - my best friend, Luna. We had been inseparable since kindergarten, and the thought of not seeing her for so long made my heart ache.

As I sat in my room, I couldn't help but think about all the memories we shared. From sleepovers filled with laughter and gossip to adventures in the woods behind our neighborhood, Luna had always been by my side. But now, I was stuck at home, unable to leave due to my fathers overprotective nature after almost dying.

I picked up my phone, hoping to distract myself from my thoughts. As I scrolled through my notifications, I saw that Luna had called me 99 times and sent over 99 text messages. My heart skipped a beat as I quickly opened her messages.

'Amaya, please please text me. I can't live without you. I miss you so much.'

Tears welled up in my eyes as I read her heartfelt words. Luna had always been the emotional one in our friendship, but I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by her love for me. Despite everything that had happened, she still cared for me just as much as before.

I wiped away my tears and quickly typed out a response, my fingers trembling with excitement. 'Luna, I'm here. I'm okay. I miss you too.' I hit send and waited anxiously for her reply.

Within seconds, my phone buzzed with her response. 'OMG AMAYA! YOU'RE ALIVE! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!' Her excitement was contagious, and I couldn't help but let out a laugh. It felt like we were back to our usual selves, even though we were just texting.

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