Into the New Year

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Grian leaned onto Scar and looked up at the dark sky.

In a minute the black coat would explode in colourful sparks and the sound of fireworks would fill the server.

The avian felt Scar's arms around him and glanced up at the elf.

Scar smiled down at him and Grian sighed contentedly.

Grian felt a nudge in his side and saw Mumbo standing beside him, holding Iskall close to his side.

"Two minutes left, pal." He smiled and Grian nodded.

The rest of the Hermitcraft server was chatting in small groups and the former Boatem crew from season 8, was one of them.

They were chatting idly, but was soon interrupted by Xisuma's voice raising over the other's.

"Hermits! One minute left!"

He was met by a cascade of cheers.

All the groups splitted up and mixed into one big group of all Hermits, and Grian let his hand slide into Scar's, squeezing his warm hand gently.

Scar glanced down at Grian and smiled.


The Hermits started counting down to midnight.

"Nine.. eight.."

Grian looked back to the amazing season he had been able to take part of, and smiled to himself.


For example, the diamond pillar contest..


..Ren's rulership..


..The Buttercups..


..and much, much more, this season had contained some of the most wholesome and funny shenanigans and collaborations. Grian was proud of what he and all the other Hermits had achieved, and he was curious about what season 10 had awaiting.


Grian leaned closer to Scar.


Grian's wings spread happily and he prepared himself for the firework show that was going to hit them in just a second.

Grian reached up and stood on his tippy-toes. He leaned closer towards Scar, and their lips met as the Hermits chanted,


"Happy new year!!" Glasses clinked against each other and applauds and cheers filled the area as booms and bangs from fireworks were heard.

The lively colours of fireworks painted the sky beautiful for the whole Hermitcraft server, and everyone had their eyes fixated on the dark coat that now exploded with purple, yellow, green and all other sorts of colour.

Grian wrapped his arms and wings around Scar and hugged him tight as they watched the show go on in front of them.

"Happy new year, Scar."

"Happy new year, Grian.."



Happy New Year!!

I've changed a lot under this year, and mostly to the better, thanks to my family and friends, but also to the amazing content creators of this community, not to mention the awesome and supporting community itself, that have encouraged me to keep my mood up when I'm at my lowest.

One of those persons is an author on this platform, sure, this is just a random app where people post their fanfics and stories, and all kinds of stuff. But oh well.

Thank you, Seth189, you're amazing, both as an author, but you're also a really, really amazing person. Sure, I don't know you IRL, but you're awesome.

And hey, anyone, even if you just spent a night with your family, or just as little as brushed your teeth today, you're doing great.

Let's say goodbye to this year and look forward to a new year full of opportunities and chances for us to take.

Everyone is valid and amazing, and don't forget to stay hydrated.

- Hover

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