Misc: Three Kingdoms

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Before anything else, I wanna say that I GOT FANART. Check out Lobsters_Sock, who made these two wonderful paintings of Pure Vanilla and Dark Choco embracing. It's so beautiful! And that level of realism? Immaculate. I could never. (A printout is hanging on my wall hahaha) Fanart on bottom due to Wattpad stuff.

Secondly, remember when I said the other ancients won't be in this fic in like the second chapter? Yeah, that turned out to be a lie :>

Also, sorry for the long absence! I had final exams and went to visit relatives. In return, this chap is TWICE as long as the usual. Enjoy!


1. The Pure Vanilla Kingdom

Strawberry Crepe had no will to leave their kingdom. They had been planning to join the villagers for a while, but it would not do for the Dark Enchantress to return and discover the village fortified with their technologies. Though it may seem counterintuitive, doing nothing would be a safer option for everyone involved.

They chewed the stale raisin bread reluctantly.

"At least pretend you're enjoying it," Black Raisin said. "This is your last supper."

"I can't enjoy things that taste bad," came their subdued complaint. The guardian was a little annoyed but let it slide.

Pure Vanilla had layered them in cloaking spells and snapped their mental connection to the Dark Enchantress so that she would not be able to find them. Strawberry Crepe had originally wondered if closing the connection had been necessary, as it only worked as a one-way means of communication, but the healer reminded them that she would still be able to disturb them through it. Besides, they were not intent on ever returning to her service, so best to rid them of any binds.

They had emptied the hangar of their tools and instructed the wafflebots to travel into the forest. The village would not be completely undefended, however. They would be given the ability to call them and the bots should the need arise. It would most likely go unused, but just in case.

The last crumbs of bread were finished off.



She brought them into their choice of hiding place. To stay close, the child sought out somewhere they were sure the Dark Enchantress would not think to look.

"The Heap. It is a decent place to hide, though there is a risk of cave-ins and structural collapse. I'll help you find some stable pockets."

The enormous piles of rubbish and ruined pieces of the Vanilla kingdom lay spread across the ashen land. Black Raisin brought them onto the pile. Strawberry Crepe floated, leery that the debris would crumble under them. Some sections of the pile were truly unstable.

She stopped in front of a mid-sized tunnel. "Here. The cave is quite a ways down. I had created this tunnel, so you can be confident in its stability."

They began crawling in but hesitated before getting far. "Black Raisin, you'll release me when it's safe, right? I don't want to be asleep for too long."

"I will," she reassured.

"Okay. Bye!" They waved as she disappeared from view. The child crawled down the small tunnel until only a faint prick of light could be seen from the entrance. They turned on the glow of their headpiece and made their way down the jagged burrow. Strawberry Crepe went deeper into the crevice, the industrial augments of their mech casting the sharp yet densely packed rubbled in stark lightning. Every small bend or curve cast a shadow sharp enough to cut. The child had never been claustrophobic, but the tunnel was uncomfortable even for someone like them. They were crawling into the heart of the heap.

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