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"Okay, so he's an asshole. That's what I'm gathering?" Riley quipped.

The girls had gone to lunch on their "early day off" at Jenna's, a cute little brunch cafe in Studio City, down the street from Aubrie's apartment. Riley had finished the filing ahead of schedule, and with the absolute disaster of the 5SOS meeting over, both girls were given the go-ahead by Juliette to take off early and enjoy their weekend. 

Brushing the crumbs that had gathered from her grilled chicken sandwich off of her stained shirt, Aubrie sighed and put her head in her hands. "Yeah, I didn't really even get a chance to apologize. He was being a dick for no reason."

"Well, Aubs, you did almost run him over," Riley said between mouthfuls of salad. "I guess all those rumors about him are true, then. I've heard he was kind of a douchebag. All that talent went to his head."

"He does kind of have a big head," Aubrie giggled. 

"Ashton 'Big Head' Irwin. I like the way that sounds. I wonder if he has a big dick to complement that big head of his," Riley raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Ugh, Riles. Can we talk about something other than his dick? I don't want to think about him right now. I'm still insanely embarrassed," Aubrie felt her cheeks heating up again. It had taken her an hour to decompress from the debacle, and her face was finally returning to it's natural pale state.

Riley held up her hands in defeat. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry, Aubs. You know how I am about shit talking. It's fun. It's girly. It's a fun, girly thing that I like to do. So, how's that thesis coming along? I'd ask you for help seeing as you're the scholarly one here, but I finished it a while back. I got bored," Riley blotted her mouth with a napkin and made a face. "Ugh. I hope this dressing is actually non-dairy, I don't wanna have stomach problems later."

"It's almost done, thank god. That's the very last thing I need to do before graduation. Assuming this internship goes well, I'll have a for sure job with Juliette, or at least enough experience to go work for another label in LA or somewhere else, who knows? The possibilities are endless," Aubrie mused.

"Don't assume, Aubs. It already happened. That's how manifesting works." Riley had seen a few TikToks about manifesting, and was convinced that she had a spiritual enlightenment. "Anyway, considering you had a totally shit day, aside from seeing yours truly of course, I'd like to do you a favor and take you out tonight. My treat. You need a distraction from everything, and I know something that'll help."

"Riles, please don't say that we're going out to another club. It's a cesspool of creeps and alcohol," Aubrie groaned and put her face in her hands. "Last time you said you wanted to 'do me a favor', I ended up waiting for you outside some rando's house in Westwood that you were hooking up with. It was RAINING, and my phone was dead-"

"Okay, okay I promise it won't be anything like that," Riley interrupted. "Trust me! I'll meet you at your place around, hmm how does nine sound? Do that thing with your makeup that makes you look, not helpless or whatever."

"Fine. I do have a brunch meeting with my faculty advisor tomorrow afternoon. She wants to go over my thesis with me. I can't miss it. No shenanigans?" 

Riley gave her a salute. "Yes ma'am! Oh fuck, was that offensive? I don't want to be cancelled."

Aubrie stood up and slung her tote bag over her shoulder, with her keys in hand. "Jesus, Riles. Love you and all, but you're uncancellable."

"Aww thanks Aubs!" Riley gushed, wrapping her arms around her friend, enveloping her in a hug. "Can you drop me off? My car's in the shop. Again. Apparently, there was a rat in the engine or something. I don't know car lingo."

"Sure, Riles," Aubrie hugged her back. Linking her arm with Riley's, the girls headed to the parking lot.

"You never know, you might find someone really hot to smash tonight, Aubrie," Riley sing-songed. "That'll really take your mind off of Ashton. I don't know why you ever found him attractive. Like, if we're gonna talk about conventionally attractive men in bands, can we talk about Luke? He's so fine, he always has been. Why not him? Wait, don't answer that. He's not really your type. I forgot you like assholes."

Aubrie shook her head at her friend. "I mean, you know me, I've always been too busy to hook up with anyone, much less get a boyfriend because-"

"You're a career woman, business money blah blah blah I know, Aubs. Live a little! You do so much and I just wanna see you enjoy your life for once."

Walking up to her car, Aubrie pressed the unlock button, and the car let out a little beep. "Ah! So this is the infamous killing machine that almost ran him over! I have never felt so honored being a passenger princess, it's like I'm sitting in a piece of history." Riley swung the passenger side door open and sat down, clicking her seatbelt in. "You know, Aubs, this car isn't hella big, but you could, you know, realistically, put the seats in the back down and fuck someone-"

"Riley!! I am NOT having car sex. I am not fifteen anymore, I'm 25. If I'm going to fuck someone, which I won't be doing, it would hypothetically be at my apartment," Aubrie felt her face turn red again.

"Whatever you say, strawberry face. Maybe if we get you laid, your face won't be so red anymore. Ooh can I pick a song to play?? How about 5 Seconds of Summer?" Riley teased, wagging her eyebrows suggestively.

"Absolutely not. I don't need to be reminded about him. Pick something else, please, I'm begging."

"Fine, grumpypants. Don't be like this tonight when we go out. I want us to have fun," Riley turned to her best friend and grinned. "I've got plans for us, Aubs. You have no idea."


AN: Hello! Happy New Year :) I hope 2024 is going amazingly for you so far!! This is a filler chapter, and I have much more planned so stay tuned. Enjoy!!

 Much love x

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